
1. Is my blog too pinky?
2. Do you think Jacko is really dead?
3. Am I fat? REALLY, HONESTLY! jangan nak jaga hati yer
4. Is my hair toooooo looongggggg and booooriiiingggg?? *yawn*
5. Do you feel like you are in danger? *ok, please ignore this question. bodoh gile kot*
6. I think my dad looks like Jalaluddin Hassan. Agree or not?
7. Which Transformers movie do you prefer? The first or the latest one?
8. How far would you go to have body like Megan Fox's?
9. Yes or No? My lips are like Angelina Jolie's. MUAHAHAHA. I AM SO EFFING VAIN!
10. Siapa suka Michael Jackson? Angkat kaki!

These questions are random. No animals were harmed during the making of these survey. And oh no, you won't get anything in return if you answer this but my gratitude. Cewahh.

This is what happen when you stay at home on Sunday, alone in the room. You have nothing to do so you make up something so silly like these questions. At least, I've done something productive. Tadaaaa! Innit?

I think I'm a pervert. Coz I will look at a man's butt the first time I met a guy. It will go automatically you know. It goes like this..

"Hye, I'm Abu (bukan nama sebenar). Yours? (smiling)"
(smiling jugak, but my eyes will look at his butt, then..)
"Najwa, but you can call me Wawa"
Whutta heck is wrong with me wey? I don't wanna be a pervert.. boo-hoo :(

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