happy-eid-fitr ;)

my extended family,sher ali, jerome and pieree.
yes. just the 11 of us ;)

eid-fitr is always fun! i had so much fun even if i only reminiscing about hari raya. *wink* i gain 2kgs ok! *growl* but they say i still look the same. lol. mak is so worried that i'm anorexic because i am too worried about my weight. ohh puhleeezz, i still enjoy late nite-snacks, ice-creams.. hehe. mothers.. u know how they can get worried even for small things.

duit raya??

naaa.. i only get to collect around rm250. pity eh? some people think that i am too old for duit raya. like duuhhh, i am only 17 ok? do i have to say it out loud? *sigh* but it's ok, eid-fitr doesn't revolves only around duit raya ok? chehh, so cliche! lol. it is fun that i still get duit raya from my family;)

balik kampung..oooo..balik kampung*singing my heart out*

ok, on the first,second and third day of raya i stayed home celebrating hari raya grandly with my intermediate family. omg. ramai sgt org came to my house n it was like a open house! this year of hari raya is more jolly since i got to celebrate with my new family (brother in laws and step nephew) it was hectic and so much fun!
talking about food, i ate a lot and non-stop!so much for anorexic eh?lol
nina came to my house on the second day of raya with her sister and her dad. so nice of her to do that. glad that her dad n sister love us, the kecoh family. i started to keep her in my heart in the"bff" box ;) i looovee u nina! *wink*
then, on the fourth day of raya, i went to jb and singapore. stayed at hotel in jb for a nite. we don't wanna trouble our relatives with our numbers. if u know what i mean. it was so tiring raya-ing non-stop from am to pm. but it was great to meet up ur relatives once inn ayear u know. catch up with each other, laughing. *smiling* once, my unty in singapore even ask me to go for hosting for tv3! can u believe that? she told me that i got what it takes. y rite. is it because that im talkative? lol. come to anend, i love eid-fitr ;)

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