I woke up at 5 am this morning to sahur coz I planned to fast today. I was so excited to fast today! I even bought nasi a night before! Suddenly, after Mdm Shat class, I went to the toilet. And guess who come by to visit me? PERIOD!

I have to break my fast la. No choice :(

Then, during English class just now, some girl came to me just to tell me "Wawaaaa, you look chubby!"


I am soooo soo effing mad because she told me that every single day I met her. Damn girl. What is your problem? If I'm fat, are you gonna be fat also? If I'm fat, are you dying? What? Do you feel good and you gain your confidence by bringing people down?

You make a wrong move weyh. I'm having my first day of period. Congratulations! You just made into my "Wawa's Hall of Hate". Kudos biyatch!
Erghhh, I hate period! Can't wait to go home and be with sober people

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