To infinity and beyond

ish. apaa ni dah lama tak update blog? I've been neglecting my blog for ages now. I don't know what has gotten into me. I thought I'm gonna be a blog-whore during my semester break. But obviously I'm wrong here. Cuti dah almost 3 weeks! But blog terbengkalai and 'to-do-list' kat tepi ni tak buat pun! Have so much more to complete! Been busy these past few days thinking (deep ones) and thinking and thinking again and again. Macam macam in my head! I even opt for Tara and Anita, Facebook's online psychics to help me make decisions. OMG! lame, much? I used to hate those applications in FB. And I even start to be the YouTube-whore, watching YouTube day and night. Lepastu, I become a better stalker! I stalked almost everyone now. Gosh. What happened to me? and not to mention, I become a crazayy cat lady too. I talked to my cats about everything, literally everything


What happened to you, Wawa? Why? Why? Tell me why? *dgn nada lagu Backstreet Boys*
Oh well, at least my diet plan is working baby! Hell yeah! Dah hilang 2 kgs so far. Ek eleh, baru 2 kg, dah kecoh pulak Wawa ni. Lu lilek je der, gua diet yang sihat ni. Not the crash diets thingy that I used to do. Thanks Qayyum for being my ever loyal advisor and nutritionist. Saaayanngggg awak! :D

Ok,moving on. Dah kenapa dgn manusia sekarang yang makin menjadi-jadi nak buang bayi ni? NOT! I'm so not gonna blog about this. Tapi mesti korang dah saspen kan tadi ingat I nak cakap pasal ni? Haha. Sorry der, gua takde enough info la nak mengomel pasal bende tu. But, all I know is, I oppose it 110%. Though I still believe that it's solely not the mum's fault. Jangan salahkan ibu mengandung,kan orang2 tua cakap. Itu dia..

By ze way, Farim's 19th birthday bash at The Apartment was AWESOME! Like,totally! We had so much fun, Love it! Feast your eyes people!

p/s : I'm so confuse now. But I have to make a quick decision before I break his heart. Be wise Wawa. Be wise..

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