Like seriously, really?

Dah lama tak update blog. *bersiul selamba*

I have lost my blogging mojo. Come back mojo! Come back, pronto! I need to express me feelings somewhere. And Blogspot is not attractive to me anymore. Why? I prefer updating in my Twitter account. Short, precise and simple. Less is more, much?

Oh well, apa eh nak celita? Oh I sekarang dah mula balik my habit of pergi balik Kuantan to Kolompo (read: Kuala Lumpur). Macam lah Kuantan tu dekat sangat kan? Oi Wawa, ingat Kuantan tu macam KLCC je ke nak balik every single week? Ingat 52rgt tu sikit ke untuk dibuang setiap minggu? Assignments buat ke kat rumah? Obviously, no. But oh well, what to do? I just can't stay there. It's too depressing. Anyhow, I will find reasons just to go back home. I just can't. Semester 2 was different though. I stayed longer. At least, I went back home once in 2 weeks. Tak lah membazir sangat. But this semester is being a bitch. It's like semester 1 all over again. Homesick, the adapting, the tak-selesa-lah-nak-mandi-kat-sini situation, the tidur-tak-nyenyak etc. I hate this. Boo hoo.

I have to ace my final semester coz I have to get the scholarship. I WANT THE SCHOLARSHIP. I NEED IT. Jealous lah tengok kawan-kawan ada scholarship. nak jugak! So yes, this semester. All i want is at least a GPA of 3.5. At least. It's a really high goal so I have to work my butt of for this.


I know, I know most of you said JB is annoying, a fag, a sissy. But... but.. these two boys are just too adorable! Can't help it :P Jaden Smith is too much very super cute in this! Especially time dia rapping! Ok,dah cukup Wawa. People will think that you're a cradle robber. A cougar. A perv. Ok, stop.
 It reminds me of my little adik  la. Adik Abai, umur baru setahun jagung tapi bajet cool ya a aw. Alolo, comelnya mereka :)

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