i went job hunting yesterday at ioi mall puchong. wahhh.. it was quite tiring. tulis nama in every shop i go. u know what makes me so sentap?? most of the shops that tampal VACANCY kat depan tuh wanted chinese female to work. so racist! like duhhh, this is malaysia rite? we r all the same aite? bangsa malaysia. no race counted. but, luckily.. i got a job! best kan? on the day itself, the one kedai that is a watch shop call me when i am on the way home in my cayang's car. i was so excited!! cayang said to me, 'senangnye yayunk i dpt keje. congratulation' hehe. best kan? the funny thing is, i don't even know what is the name of the shop that im gonna work tuh. haha. silly me. yes! before i forgot, the pay is so damn cool weyh! RM900 ok? kaching kaching $$$$$
then, i went straight back home. running to the door and scream.. 'yeye! wawa dpt kerja dah mak'
lol. that is me, i love to scream. *wink* and everybody say congratulation to me. weee. im so proud of myself. i even text my eldest sister ana (yg kini berada di France with his husband) she and her husband said that they are very proud of me *senyum bangga, hidung kembang2*
yada, yada, yada... i ask mak if i can go to melaka. then she said yes. ayah pun was ok. i loveeeee u guys! u r the best! then... hush hush. can't tell. lol.
after all, i am so happy! wish me luck on my first day of working tomorrow :)