
oh god, baru je 2 hari of working but i decided to quit my job. i knoq this is the action i take that im gonna regret later. so, pls jgn ckp, 'i told u...' haha. itold everybody at home abt it already, except for my sister at france, ana. i know she'll understand. u wanna know why i quit my job? well, first and foremost, it's the 12 hours time of working la weyh. sgt lame! then, it's the people there! they are killing me ok? i can't take it! they won't talk to me. they talk to each other je (in bhs cina pulak 2) i feel so alone and like an outcast ok? da la cuti 1 week, once aja. plus, first week of kerja, no cuti. like duhhh. it's my birthday coming up ok? they are torturing me >.<
oh well, now i know why i was so excited to start my job the other day, rupa2 nya, i turn out not liking it. ATT ALL!
ya, i went for an interview at MACY. it was ok, the time of working is ok, the gaji pun not bad. n they are all malays. so, at least, i understand what they are talking about kan?
thank god, my family are being so supportive when i say i wanna qit my job. they say that 12 hrs of working mmg melampau pun. they ask me to look for a part-time job je. izhar and iskandar are making fun of me. gelak2 kan, coz i was crying when i told my mum how i feel when im working.
after all, everything is ok. eventho i waste my 24 hours to them (for free)
i have to text nina about this. i wanna tmn her job hunting nnt.
oh ya, shasha text me. she is ok. now i know why kadang2 she is good, kadang2 x. sebenornyer, her sister je yg haven't forgive me yet. ohhhhhhhhh...
ok, lets lepak when u get here ok sha?
troodles! i wanna get my beauty sleep *wink*

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