Shocking truth

Yeay! Ada party! At least, there's something happening will happen this weekend here in Kuantan. -_-" I was the one who came up with the theme :) Kudos Wawa!

Hey, read this!

(A conversation with a roommate)

Nad: Wawa, tengok ni! Gambar accident. Seram sangattt. Nad takut.

Me: EEEE... Buat ape tengok bende-bende bodoh macam tu? tak nak lah!

So, she decided to read me the warning of the e-mail.

Nad: AMARAN! Satu kemalangan menakutkan. Gambar ini sangat menyahat hati, pastikan anda kuat semangat. Gambar ini boleh mengerikan anda.

I thought to myself,macam best je ni.

Me: Nak tengokkkkkkk!

Memang sedih. Look at the pig under the front part of the lorry. Eventhough there are the most dirtiest, hideous, smelliest, hazardous, stupidest, gross creature in the universe. But still, kesian sangat tengok diorang tergolek-golek macam tu :(

Omg! Omg! Someone stole my picture and edit it. They are bunch of foreigners so I don't know what they are talking about.
What do they want from my picture which is from my back? Walking barefoot eating ice cream on the beach? Confusion, confusion..

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