I have this obsession with Urban Dictionary. thanks to a friend of mine. semua bende nak search kat sini sekarang. pantang je ternampak or terbaca ataupun terdengar ayat ayat luar biasa sekarang, mesti nak search kat sini. Lame.. i know.
Exhibit A: Eh, ayat pelik la. Elysium? ape tu? *online, pastu search kat Urban Dictionary*
lepas dah jumpa maksud, terus angguk angguk rasa pandai sebab next time kalau korang nak pergi clubbing kat Jalan Dorai tu, pastu jalan jalan. kawan kawan pun tanya, "wey korang, nampak best club tu. *pointing to Elysium Club* eh, apa maksud Elysium eh?" Boleh la anda semua (termasuk I) dengan bangga, sambil hidung kembang kecut buat muka pandai, jawab ape maksud Elysium tu kan?
Haaa, I tahu korang pun suka. Best la. this thing is addictive, I started off with looking for meaning of words yang masuk akal. dah lama lama, bosan dgn ke-skema-an diri ni, terus nak try something new. hehe. lalu, terlintas dlm fikiran search maksud2 ayat seperti... #*&#^&, dan &#^&#& dan &#)* dan juga !@&^#)*(. hahaha. lepastu, I even searched my name, Wawa! Narcissistic, much? LOL.
Moving on, was so bored one night. So, I searched for the meaning of Malay. Then, keluar la macam macam maksud. Yang penting 99% of it maybe was written by Chinese or Indians or just bunch of Malays yg benci kaum sendiri. We never know. So, berbalik kepada story tadi. tengah gelak gelak tengok The Nanny ni, terus hilang my happy mode. Lepastu, terus I bertukar jadi The Incredible Hulk (only that I'm pink and I have Kim's toned body. taknak macam hulk betul. eww, buruk. and I speak rempit when I turned to Pink Hulk). Gua sentapp habis ni der, makan dalammm. Ada ke patut mereka semua ni kutuk kutuk Melayu? na'ah, no way Jose. Only us Malays can trash our own race. no way in the world other races can do that even though sometimes ada jugak budak budak Melayu perangai memang mintak tamparan wanita, but still. no way, i repeat, NO WAY I can just keep quite when others talk trash about my race. NO WAY! korang nak sentap sama-sama tak? Jom baca some of their definitions of Malays ok?
Example 1:
Every race in Malaysia has its own weaknesses. The chinese are known to be very civil, disciplined and sometimes too hardworking. The malays are known to be too lazy. A chinese who gets his/her pay, will tend to keep it for emergency or future use. A malay in the other hand, would usually spend it immediately. There are nice malays out there but really hard to find.
Example 2:
If government dont have a policy to help them, i think they’re end up jobless. Malays are too emotional than rationale in handling issues.
-Ayat yang di-bold and italic kan tu mintak penyepak kan? kepala hotak kau berbulu! They are making hasty generalization here. I mean like, come on. You may have encountered with some lazy Malays, but jangan sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. How are you sure that we are lazy? Too lazy some more. Ini sudah lebih ni.
and lagi satu in example 2 tu, dah la grammar ke laut. ada hati nak kutuk orang jugak. FU! Their description about Malays are all personal views solely. No professionalism whatsoever. Try searching for Chinese or Indians in Urban Dictionary. ade tak orang trash teruk macam ni? NO. Why? because we Malays have ethics and we are very polite. We don't do trash talk online. because we cool like that yo.
p/: Don't mess with my blood. (walaupun bukan 100% pure Malay,tapi suka hati I lah!) You dont like me when I'm angry.
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1 comment:
weyh ini sudah lebih!!! waaa pun kmbang kemmpis baca!! ni mesti cina puchong ni!!!-sara
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