Dah lama tak update blog. *bersiul selamba*
I have lost my blogging mojo. Come back mojo! Come back, pronto! I need to express me feelings somewhere. And Blogspot is not attractive to me anymore. Why? I prefer updating in my Twitter account. Short, precise and simple. Less is more, much?
Oh well, apa eh nak celita? Oh I sekarang dah mula balik my habit of pergi balik Kuantan to Kolompo (read: Kuala Lumpur). Macam lah Kuantan tu dekat sangat kan? Oi Wawa, ingat Kuantan tu macam KLCC je ke nak balik every single week? Ingat 52rgt tu sikit ke untuk dibuang setiap minggu? Assignments buat ke kat rumah? Obviously, no. But oh well, what to do? I just can't stay there. It's too depressing. Anyhow, I will find reasons just to go back home. I just can't. Semester 2 was different though. I stayed longer. At least, I went back home once in 2 weeks. Tak lah membazir sangat. But this semester is being a bitch. It's like semester 1 all over again. Homesick, the adapting, the tak-selesa-lah-nak-mandi-kat-sini situation, the tidur-tak-nyenyak etc. I hate this. Boo hoo.
I have to ace my final semester coz I have to get the scholarship. I WANT THE SCHOLARSHIP. I NEED IT. Jealous lah tengok kawan-kawan ada scholarship. nak jugak! So yes, this semester. All i want is at least a GPA of 3.5. At least. It's a really high goal so I have to work my butt of for this.
I know, I know most of you said JB is annoying, a fag, a sissy. But... but.. these two boys are just too adorable! Can't help it :P Jaden Smith is too much very super cute in this! Especially time dia rapping! Ok,dah cukup Wawa. People will think that you're a cradle robber. A cougar. A perv. Ok, stop.
It reminds me of my little adik la. Adik Abai, umur baru setahun jagung tapi bajet cool ya a aw. Alolo, comelnya mereka :)
It's because of you
Lepas 2 minggu balik Kuantan, no update at all! Why? Because, I was so busy adapting myself in a new hostel. It is so small, like very small. Ok, let me give you an overview on how small the room is. There are 3 of us in the room, so if I'm busy in the toilet, Farim has to be in front of the lockers and Balqis has to be at the study table area. Then, if I'm in front of the lockers someone has to move somewhere else. So does Balqis.. It's like a rotation. WE HAVE TO SHUFFLE OUR POSITIONS IN THE ROOM AND TAKE TURN TO BE ON OUR STUDY TABLE TO MAKE UP SEBAB BILIK KECIK SANGAT. NAK BERNAFAS PUN SUSAH KALAU TAK BUKAK TINGKAP. Stress tak? Orang cakap, kecil kecil cili padi kan? This room is the epitome of that peribahasa. Sebab ia kecik sangat, oleh itu pengaliran udara tak mantap. Hence, the heat. Tak payah guna sauna nak kuruskan badan, cuba try tidur pukul tengah hari dalam bilik ni. Bangun-bangun tidur terus feluh-feluh macam lepas merentas desa minus the kulit hitam.
Pak guard sekarang pun dah melampau. Epp. nak kena ni. Ada ke patut? I pakai baju longgar size L dia cakap baju saya ketat? Ada ke patut saya pakai selipar nak jemur baju kat bawah pun dia marah? Ada ke patut dia suruh saya dye balik rambut saya hitam ASAP? Awak ingat murah ke nak dye rambut saya yang panjang gila ni? Paling murah pun kos dia 80rgt ok? Bagi duit la, saya beli baju kurung kat Mydin banyak banyak, lepastu dye rambut hitam. Boleh je.
This semester banyak sangat liku likunya. I HAVE TO BE STRONG.
Oh yes, last Saturday Alya the niece sudah selamat dicukurkan rambutnya yang alahai, lembutnya. She was such a good girl! Duduk diam, control comel je masa orang sibuk-sibuk potong rambutnya. Tak meragam langsung. Maybe she knew that the camera was all around her. I bet dalam hati dia terdetik berkata "must. control. cute. maintain. nanti gambar tak cantik kalau nangis," Awh, comel tak kalau dia betul2 cakap macam tu? :P
Pak guard sekarang pun dah melampau. Epp. nak kena ni. Ada ke patut? I pakai baju longgar size L dia cakap baju saya ketat? Ada ke patut saya pakai selipar nak jemur baju kat bawah pun dia marah? Ada ke patut dia suruh saya dye balik rambut saya hitam ASAP? Awak ingat murah ke nak dye rambut saya yang panjang gila ni? Paling murah pun kos dia 80rgt ok? Bagi duit la, saya beli baju kurung kat Mydin banyak banyak, lepastu dye rambut hitam. Boleh je.
This semester banyak sangat liku likunya. I HAVE TO BE STRONG.
Oh yes, last Saturday Alya the niece sudah selamat dicukurkan rambutnya yang alahai, lembutnya. She was such a good girl! Duduk diam, control comel je masa orang sibuk-sibuk potong rambutnya. Tak meragam langsung. Maybe she knew that the camera was all around her. I bet dalam hati dia terdetik berkata "must. control. cute. maintain. nanti gambar tak cantik kalau nangis," Awh, comel tak kalau dia betul2 cakap macam tu? :P
The Ismail's. Yeap, kitorang memang ramai :)
Cantik tak Alya?!
Can you like, not bring that up?
Was trying out my kakak punya pakwe punya latop baru punya webcam. fahamtakk? Best webcam laptop ni. Nampak muka sesuci safa walaupun tanpa sebarang make up. sebenarnya banyak sangat gambar macam ni tapi saya malu lah nak share, tapi kalau post semua pun mesti anda semua muntah geli. teeheehee.
Eleh, konon comel lah tu ambik gambar macam tu? padahal tengah cover zits yang melimpah ruah kat dahi.
I am suppose to sleep now, or at least double check my packed stuffs for Kuantan. Or at least feel excited to start the ending of my Pre Law journey in Kuantan but heck no. I'm so down now. Feels like hiding myself here in my room, skip the first classes. But to think back, I don't wanna be a coward. I have to face this final semester though I heard tons of bad rumours about this final semester. Difficult papers, hundreds of juniors, packed classes and and dodgy dorm rooms :( AHHH! BILA TULIS SEMUA TU RASA MACAM NAK MENANGIS ESOK DAH KENA START!!
Wawa, calm down. PRONTO!
how am I suppose to end something without even starting it? Right? so yeah, here I am. with all the positive vibes in the world, going back to Kuantan tomorrow. Yes, I AM ready for everything and anything. BRING IT ON! cewahh, semangat sangat konon. tengok-tengok esok, menangis pegang pagar rumah tak nak lepas.
I'm gonna miss e-v-e-r-y-single-t-h-i-n-g here. hish. Don't dwell over this, it will take me nowhere but to frustration valley. Lets just be all miss sunshine tomorrow and hope for the best this semester. I hope that I'm gonna score better and love law more.
Cheers to all Kuantan's Pre-Law students. Lets thrive for the best no matter what the condition is. HIDUP KARPAL SINGH!! eh, tiba-tiba pulak.
Eleh, konon comel lah tu ambik gambar macam tu? padahal tengah cover zits yang melimpah ruah kat dahi.
I am suppose to sleep now, or at least double check my packed stuffs for Kuantan. Or at least feel excited to start the ending of my Pre Law journey in Kuantan but heck no. I'm so down now. Feels like hiding myself here in my room, skip the first classes. But to think back, I don't wanna be a coward. I have to face this final semester though I heard tons of bad rumours about this final semester. Difficult papers, hundreds of juniors, packed classes and and dodgy dorm rooms :( AHHH! BILA TULIS SEMUA TU RASA MACAM NAK MENANGIS ESOK DAH KENA START!!
Wawa, calm down. PRONTO!
how am I suppose to end something without even starting it? Right? so yeah, here I am. with all the positive vibes in the world, going back to Kuantan tomorrow. Yes, I AM ready for everything and anything. BRING IT ON! cewahh, semangat sangat konon. tengok-tengok esok, menangis pegang pagar rumah tak nak lepas.
I'm gonna miss e-v-e-r-y-single-t-h-i-n-g here. hish. Don't dwell over this, it will take me nowhere but to frustration valley. Lets just be all miss sunshine tomorrow and hope for the best this semester. I hope that I'm gonna score better and love law more.
Cheers to all Kuantan's Pre-Law students. Lets thrive for the best no matter what the condition is. HIDUP KARPAL SINGH!! eh, tiba-tiba pulak.
Counting days
Ish, tak boleh tidur la kawan-kawan. Macam mana ni? I've tried it all!
Minum susu? Checked!
Kira virtual kambing? Checked!
Berangan kahwin-kahwin? Checked!
Stalk people? Checked!
Blog-hopping and blog-shopping? Checked!
Semua dah buat. Still, I'm wide awake now. Alive and kicking hard. What the hell? I have plans with Mummy tomorrow! I should sleep now tengah krooh krooohh because I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TOMORROW. TAKNAK KENA TINGGAL MACAM TADI. SEMUA KELUAR MAKAN LUNCH, I SORANG DITINGGALKAN DI RUMAH, LEPASTU LAPAR GILA. PADAN MUKA. SIAPA SURUH BANGUN PUKUL 2? KAN DAH TAK DAPAT IKUT PERGI LUNCH ENAK DEKAT MANHATTAN FISH MARKET! Haaa, ambik kau. lecture diri sendiri. Thats why la i wanna wake up early tomorrow. taknak kena tinggal lagi. IT SUCKS. BIG TIME! Ok, dah la tu caps lock semua benda.
And another 1 big problemo when you stay up this late. You get hungry! Yes, I'm so hungry now. Taknak lah makan, sebab nanti terus tidur. lepastu, menangis tak berlagu bila timbang berat, naik 3 kilo, jeans ketat, baju putih menunjukkan perut bulat yang comel. NOO! I can't eat now. But I'm thinking about my EGG, HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH. nama pun sedap. *telan air liur*
Sleep wawa. Sleep. Eh, kalau minum susu sekarang, does it helps?
Dah guling-guling for about an hour tadi finding my comfort zone to sleep. But still, here I am now. Blogging. Why?? Macam-macam position I've tried. Mula-mula kepala kat pintu toilet. Eh, macam x best je. Tukar pulak, kaki yang menghandap pintu toilet.
*20 minutes later*
Turned on my air cond. Maybe I need to feel a lil cold.
*10 minutes later*
Alamak! sejuk pulak! Turned it off. Lepastu dah keluar masuk toilet kencing beribu kali, minum warm water tak payah cakap la berapa kali pulak. Siap bawak botol lagi dalam bilik. Tapi tetap segar-bugar macam bangun pagi-pagi pergi sekolah. NOT! pagi-pagi in school la waktu paling mengantuk sekali. rasa macam boleh tidur je during assembly sambil berdiri tu.
Minum susu? Checked!
Kira virtual kambing? Checked!
Berangan kahwin-kahwin? Checked!
Stalk people? Checked!
Blog-hopping and blog-shopping? Checked!
Semua dah buat. Still, I'm wide awake now. Alive and kicking hard. What the hell? I have plans with Mummy tomorrow! I should sleep now tengah krooh krooohh because I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TOMORROW. TAKNAK KENA TINGGAL MACAM TADI. SEMUA KELUAR MAKAN LUNCH, I SORANG DITINGGALKAN DI RUMAH, LEPASTU LAPAR GILA. PADAN MUKA. SIAPA SURUH BANGUN PUKUL 2? KAN DAH TAK DAPAT IKUT PERGI LUNCH ENAK DEKAT MANHATTAN FISH MARKET! Haaa, ambik kau. lecture diri sendiri. Thats why la i wanna wake up early tomorrow. taknak kena tinggal lagi. IT SUCKS. BIG TIME! Ok, dah la tu caps lock semua benda.
And another 1 big problemo when you stay up this late. You get hungry! Yes, I'm so hungry now. Taknak lah makan, sebab nanti terus tidur. lepastu, menangis tak berlagu bila timbang berat, naik 3 kilo, jeans ketat, baju putih menunjukkan perut bulat yang comel. NOO! I can't eat now. But I'm thinking about my EGG, HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH. nama pun sedap. *telan air liur*
Sleep wawa. Sleep. Eh, kalau minum susu sekarang, does it helps?
Dah guling-guling for about an hour tadi finding my comfort zone to sleep. But still, here I am now. Blogging. Why?? Macam-macam position I've tried. Mula-mula kepala kat pintu toilet. Eh, macam x best je. Tukar pulak, kaki yang menghandap pintu toilet.
*20 minutes later*
Turned on my air cond. Maybe I need to feel a lil cold.
*10 minutes later*
Alamak! sejuk pulak! Turned it off. Lepastu dah keluar masuk toilet kencing beribu kali, minum warm water tak payah cakap la berapa kali pulak. Siap bawak botol lagi dalam bilik. Tapi tetap segar-bugar macam bangun pagi-pagi pergi sekolah. NOT! pagi-pagi in school la waktu paling mengantuk sekali. rasa macam boleh tidur je during assembly sambil berdiri tu.
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