Satu Malaysia, a dream or a vision?

The first time I told my mum that I am dating Shahrul when I was at the tender age of 16. I repeat, 16 years old. How in the world could a parent accept her baby girl seeing a 21 years old most probably a drug dealer guy? Ok, that's over. He is not a drug dealer nor a saint.. Just simply, my Shahrul. I received tons of raised eyebrows when I first told them about ME, a 16 years old high school prefect dating a 21 years old konon-bad-boy-looking college student. Yea, sceptical much? Come on, we live in Malays societies where gossips spread faster than you spread butter on the bread. They say, "I'm open, you can tell me EVRYTHING" Ya.. rite mister! You can't deny the fact that they still judge you and they tell others too. How I wish I live in a place where I can smoke weed at the playground and nobody even bothers to notice me smoking weed. (not that I smoked weed before. Never, trust me) Best kan? Sigh.

You know what's even funnier about my neighbours? They know the type of car Shahrul drives and what time I arrived home last night. Crazy huh? Busybody gila babss punya. They even know that Shahrul dyed his hair to match mine. How sweet huh? Ok, get back to the story. I mean like, HOW ON EARTH THEY KNOW THAT HIS HAIR IS NOW DARK BLONDE?! Crazy, crazy little world. Get your own life, please? Or maybe, mind your own little childrens first then us. Remember, you have daughters too! Hehe. I'm so mean.

The fact that now I'm already 18 and they still treat me like I'm 15 just ick me. I had a mild fight with my dad just now about me always out with my friends and always home late. The way he put it is like I went out every single day and I helped nothing at home. Eh hello, I only go out like 3 to 4 times a week and hell yeah I vacuumed and mopped the house sometimes. Ish. I even bathe the kittens ok? Still, I love you daddy. New handphone, please?

I need to get these things out from my mind. These thoughts..

We are now in the hectic phase of engaging the 1 Malaysia thingy. But you know what, to be honest, I don't think that the vision of 1 Malaysia will stay forever like Wawasan 2020 as put foward by Tun Dr. Mahathir. Why? Because, you still can hear this.

Malays says: "Cina tamak! makan babi,perangai pun macam babi, pengotor!"

Chinese says: "Melayu bodoh lah, lembab saja. Tak reti kerja maa"

Indians says: "Melayu and Cina boleh pergi mati lah. Sellfish!"

Harsh? Face it, it's the truth that none of us can deny.

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