Creating wonders and Alia Alexandra

hey yawwwww. Been busy busy busy so I'm gonna do a very short update. The very malas one of course. Before that, *jumping happily while screaming* I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL PAN-ASIAN NIECE NOWWWWWWWW!! Kau kenapa? Perlu ke Pan-Asian tu Wawa oi? Eh, mesti lah perlu. LOL.

*drum rolls*


Alia Alixandra bt. Jerome Bonnifay
was born at 7.25pm on 24th April 2010 at Pantai Hospital, Bangsar.

Look how happy big brother Pierre is with his new little sister :D And my gorgeous sister at the back :) When she was young, she was always teased for being so tan and dark. And now, she said, "in your face people! my husband and my babies are all white! and really white! LOL" Awww, how graceful the new mother, isn't she? -_____-" Anyhuus, they look so happy! BEST SGT!

 JENG JENG JENG! The new aunty! Alia, why you so putih like mat salleh one? haiyaaa, where's my tan skin ha? 

Ok,moving on. Today is my first day in Petrosains. I am a volunteer there. So, the tag line of Petrosains is 'Creating Wonders'. So you see, it's like a trend now to create new terms and lama kelamaan terus jadi a legitimate word, masuk dictionary terus. Like the word created by Beyonce, 'Bootylicious', Kimora's 'Fabulosity' and Petrosains' 'Wonderology' (tapi belum masuk dictionary lagi la) And yes, so the term Wonderolgy means (by us, Petrosains' folks) the study of wonders..... *insert magical background sound with pixie dust falling from the sky here* COOL, not?! Cool kan? Kan? No? Istillthinkit'sverycool. okthksbye.

Then, just nak bagitahu that we, the Petrosains' staffs are called as Wonderologists. Sumpah, ni cool sangat! I feel like I'm a geologist or a pathologist or something like that. I love it! Come say it with me people! WONDER-OLO-GIST! Yezzz, that iz me! ME!!! :D Datang lah ke Petrosains yer 

1 comment:

::Bella Ailurophilia:: said...

OMG wa!! so cuteeee!!!
cantik sangat2 nama baby tu..
alia alixandra....
harap semua okay.. hehe
aunty wawa :P