ok, yesterday's trip to PD was WOW!
lol. i went to PD with nina, lily and her father, Uncle Razali. i just love them.
nina came to my house to pick me up around 11am. (i know, precise timing kan??)
we went to Lily's apartment first. that's beside her college. it was in Nilai i think. i didn't paid that much attention to the roads. lol.
when i was in her apartment,i feel that i just can't wait to be in college/university and got my own place. it would be nice to be independant, kan?
then, we start our journey to PD. yeay!
when we reached there, the place is like a private yacht club house. when it is stated as a private club house, isn't it suppose to be like very exclusive? but, let me tell u, the toilets there were so dirty and like very ewwww! nina and I had our Diva moments.. so typical huh?
nina tak habis2 ajak pergi pantai. ishh budak nih, sabaw ya??
she was like a little girl begging for her lollypop. *winks*
i was the only one to acomponied her to the beach. i'm not a big fan of beach though. i don't even know why. i told nina and lily about how much i don't like the beach. and nina was like,(talking to her sister)
"pelik kan kak? sebab die nampak mcm org2 yang suke pantai."
nina dgn gelut2 nya cakap that, i look like the beach lovers. i know why she said that, it is because of my golden brown skin. right, nina? lol.
ok, back to the highlight..
lily was performing wih the old boys very well! i just love oldies now. heee.
nina's uncle, Uncle Darby was saying to me, "u can be a great performer, i see that. cuma u malu2 je"
errrrr, me? malu2? okaey.. thanks for he comments though. it gave me a boost.
later, we had seafood for dinner.lip smacking!
it was great. i had fun sebok2 with nina's family yesterday. i had this conversation with Uncle Razali,
"it is a pleasure having u with us today, wawa"
*senyum bangga yang teramat*
"i know uncle"
that made him laughed non-stop!
thank u for inviting me to join u guys. love it!