I do wonders in my hometown.
Tema raya tahun ni merah. Balik kampung ke Singapura dan Johor Bahru selama 3 hari. Raya 289721 buah rumah tapi duit raya tak sebanyak dulu sebab semua ingat dah kerja! Wey! Belajar lagi la. Ok,lepas ni taknak pakai make-up langsung and taknak bawak handbag. Nak ikat tocang dua. Nampak macam budak-budak sikit. Epp. Jahatnya wawa ni. Orang beraya untuk bermaaf-maafan dan ziarah-menziarahi! BUKAN DUIT RAYA LA WOI. DAH BESAR BERANGAN NAK DUIT RAYA LAGI.
I'm glad to meet my family again after so long. Well, not so long. Baru 8 bulan. But yeah, bila time raya ni. Emotional lebih.
"Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin. Ampunkan semua dosa-dosa and salah silap wawa. Lepas ni wawa tak buat lagi. Halalkan makan minum dan semuanya. I love you"
Ni skrip masa sesi salam family. Kadang-kadang salah dialog, ayah and mak akan cakap dan saya ulang balik. Tapi tu dulu la. Sekarang dah expert.
Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir & batin semua :)
My baby brother all grown up.
OMG HE'S ONLY 13 AND HE'S ALREADY READY FOR COMMITMENT! I'm so proud of you sayang, but at the same time, I'm shocked!
Eh budak-budak sekarang ni. Pantas betul bercinta.
Eh budak-budak sekarang ni. Pantas betul bercinta.
Even the most innocent can go wild.
Gahh, I can't stop looking at these pictures! PELUKIS NI MEMANG HEBAT! SEP SIKIT! Pandai sangat keep the originality of those innocent,pure Disney characters to these! AWESOME. I'm still in awe with this artwork and I want more, pretty please?
Perhaps Disney should remake their classic fairytales characters to these new oh so dark and sexy ones. Mesti orang tua pun suka, kan? So lepas ni takde lah kawan-kawan gagah I taknak teman I tengok cartoon dekat wayang lagi. Entah-entah diorang yang lebih excited, no?
Ok, nak berangan jadi sexy jap. Bye.
Thinking about our younger years.
Kalau kecik-kecik dulu kumpul duit raya banyak-banyak nak beli rumah Barbie Doll yang besar tu. Yang ada toilet, ada dapur, ada katil. Kadang-kadang disertakan dengan kucing atau puppies. Tapi selalunya I'd choose puppies sebab dalam kehidupan sebenar, tak boleh bela puppies. So yeah, I pilih puppies walaupun saya seorang cat lover. Sangat lah suka kucing ok, sampai nampak kucing kurap tepi jalan pun nak peluk lepastu kena marah dengan kawan-kawan WEY WAWA, KENAPA PENGOTOR SANGAT NI? lepastu I terus pura-pura tak kesah pasal kucing tu. Padahal nak je I bawak balik, bagi makan sampai gemuk macam tuan dia lepastu hantar grooming. Eh, kenapa suka melencong ni?
Back to square one, keinginin kita berubah daripada rumah Barbie Doll (ni metaphor eh. Boys may wanted Hot Wheels track macam abang-abang saya. Tapi eh entah-entah ada juga yang simpan perasaan nak rumah Barbie jugak ke) Moving on.. Like me, when I grew a little bit older after that, I demanded for Barbie cars. Eceh ceh dah budget bergaya nak kereta pulak dia. Bila perasaan terhadap kaum Adam sudah berputik, I asked for Ken and then Kelly the little Barbies (konon-konon lepas kahwin mesti lah nak ada zuriat kan?) or apa abang-abang panggil, Barbie midget. Jahatnya mereka. Padahal jealous, nak main Barbie jugak tu. Then, after years of playing imaginary life with my beloved Barbies, Kens and Kellys I started to look at my sisters, dressed up with pretty clothes and lots of handbags. So mak jadi mangsa kena layan I belikan pakaian macam orang dewasa tapi kat kid's section. Handbag sekali, sebab nak collect duit raya ni. Hehe. Bila dah besar lagi sikit, sebab saya ramai kakak, 5 orang to be exact, I started off reading Cleo way earlier than my peers. Jadi, perasaan nak melawa tu dah lama tersemat di hati tapi Mak n Ayah asked me to act my age. Tapi duit raya dah simpan memang nak beli baju-baju cantik.
After that long period of nak melawa je kerjanya sampai sanggup kumpul duit raya. I don't want any of these anymore. I want beyond these materials. I want something more. Duit raya sekarang pun kalau dapat, dah tak nampak habis dekat mana. Maybe habis masa melepak dengan kawan-kawan tengok wayang, shisha, makan, karaoke and more. Kalau dulu, mesti nak kena beli rumah Barbie complete set! Tak pun set masak-masak yang ada dapur sekali tu. Polly Pokets ke, siapa ingat lagi Polly Pockets? Angkat tangan! hehe. Tiba-tiba excited. Ok so yeah. As people grow older, things they want in life change too. The things that everbody wants may not be the same, but sure it changes over time. Innit? No? Nevermind.
Kalau dulu, nak cheer myself up, senang je. Beli permainan baru. Lepastu main-main masak-masak dengan kakak. Ataupun, main kedai-kedai. Lepastu, dapat jadi cashier terus happy sampai esok! But now, how I wish is that easy to cheer myself up again. Barbie doll house and fancy cars won't put a smile on my face anymore, no, not even Polly Pockets or fancy masak-masak toys. Kan best, kalau benda-benda I used to long for when I was a kid can make me lompat-lompat happily again. How I wish.
Back to square one, keinginin kita berubah daripada rumah Barbie Doll (ni metaphor eh. Boys may wanted Hot Wheels track macam abang-abang saya. Tapi eh entah-entah ada juga yang simpan perasaan nak rumah Barbie jugak ke) Moving on.. Like me, when I grew a little bit older after that, I demanded for Barbie cars. Eceh ceh dah budget bergaya nak kereta pulak dia. Bila perasaan terhadap kaum Adam sudah berputik, I asked for Ken and then Kelly the little Barbies (konon-konon lepas kahwin mesti lah nak ada zuriat kan?) or apa abang-abang panggil, Barbie midget. Jahatnya mereka. Padahal jealous, nak main Barbie jugak tu. Then, after years of playing imaginary life with my beloved Barbies, Kens and Kellys I started to look at my sisters, dressed up with pretty clothes and lots of handbags. So mak jadi mangsa kena layan I belikan pakaian macam orang dewasa tapi kat kid's section. Handbag sekali, sebab nak collect duit raya ni. Hehe. Bila dah besar lagi sikit, sebab saya ramai kakak, 5 orang to be exact, I started off reading Cleo way earlier than my peers. Jadi, perasaan nak melawa tu dah lama tersemat di hati tapi Mak n Ayah asked me to act my age. Tapi duit raya dah simpan memang nak beli baju-baju cantik.
After that long period of nak melawa je kerjanya sampai sanggup kumpul duit raya. I don't want any of these anymore. I want beyond these materials. I want something more. Duit raya sekarang pun kalau dapat, dah tak nampak habis dekat mana. Maybe habis masa melepak dengan kawan-kawan tengok wayang, shisha, makan, karaoke and more. Kalau dulu, mesti nak kena beli rumah Barbie complete set! Tak pun set masak-masak yang ada dapur sekali tu. Polly Pokets ke, siapa ingat lagi Polly Pockets? Angkat tangan! hehe. Tiba-tiba excited. Ok so yeah. As people grow older, things they want in life change too. The things that everbody wants may not be the same, but sure it changes over time. Innit? No? Nevermind.
Kalau dulu, nak cheer myself up, senang je. Beli permainan baru. Lepastu main-main masak-masak dengan kakak. Ataupun, main kedai-kedai. Lepastu, dapat jadi cashier terus happy sampai esok! But now, how I wish is that easy to cheer myself up again. Barbie doll house and fancy cars won't put a smile on my face anymore, no, not even Polly Pockets or fancy masak-masak toys. Kan best, kalau benda-benda I used to long for when I was a kid can make me lompat-lompat happily again. How I wish.
Alya Alexandra Bonnifay, I miss you.
Sebab dah rindu sangat dah ni. Dah 8924729 hari ni tak jumpa. Dah balik Malaysia pun taknak jumpa Aunty ke? Ingat hantar postcard dari France ada gambar pantai tu dah memadai ke Alya? No, tidak Alya. I need to smell you, kiss and hug you. I need to hold you and to feel you. To touch that super soft skin of yours. Yes, baru lah memadai.
I MISS YOU SO MUCH AND I NEVER MISSED ANYONE LIKE I MISS YOU. The power of babies, kan? And not just regular babies, but my own niece. Ni baru anak buah, dah gila macam ni. Kalau anak sendiri, macam mana? Macam mana lah orang boleh buang baby kan? Ok dah, suka melencong taw Wawa ni. epp. eppp.
So, here's the story. Alya balik ke kampungnya di St. Sauver, France to meet her Grandma, Grandpa, her half sisters and aunties, uncles, cousins and friends. Dah la pergi untuk 1 bulan dan 5 hari, ok? She's 4 months old now, and I bet she can meniarap already :') I can't wait to meet u baby! OK KORANG SEMUA TENGOK LAH ANAK BUAH SAYA NI DAN SAMA-SAMA LAH RINDU DIA OK?
I MISS YOU SO MUCH AND I NEVER MISSED ANYONE LIKE I MISS YOU. The power of babies, kan? And not just regular babies, but my own niece. Ni baru anak buah, dah gila macam ni. Kalau anak sendiri, macam mana? Macam mana lah orang boleh buang baby kan? Ok dah, suka melencong taw Wawa ni. epp. eppp.
So, here's the story. Alya balik ke kampungnya di St. Sauver, France to meet her Grandma, Grandpa, her half sisters and aunties, uncles, cousins and friends. Dah la pergi untuk 1 bulan dan 5 hari, ok? She's 4 months old now, and I bet she can meniarap already :') I can't wait to meet u baby! OK KORANG SEMUA TENGOK LAH ANAK BUAH SAYA NI DAN SAMA-SAMA LAH RINDU DIA OK?
Tengok tu, comel je Alya tiru style rambut Papa dia. HEHE
Tak faham bahasa Perancis ye. But I know its like macam cukur jambul kita. eleh, nak jugak.
kocik-kocik dah naik flight.
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Alya, please stop making cute poses! You're just too cuteee. |
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I miss you too, Mak Alya (kakak sulung saya). |
OMG. So cuteeeeee. I wanna bite youuuuu!!!!
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Alya dan ayah di pantai batu. Pelik kan, kat sini pantai pasir. Pantai batu? Tak best langsung. *dengki* |
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Alya ada tattoo eh? Bagitahu atuk! *dengki* |
Alya sangat hot, dekat pantai pun ada orang nak peluk. Eleh, padahal tu makcik dia.
Adventurous betul her Summer in France Sekarang nak tidur pulak. Goodnite semua :)
I may have issues with everything around me when it comes to this time of the month (if you know what I mean). But right now, I HAVE THE BIGGEST ISSUE WITH MY HAIR. Yes, my hair! Ergh. I hate how short, flat and pale it looks. I want my super duper long hair back. :( Moral of the story, don't make decisions when you're mad or when you're not thinking rationally. This is what happened when you did. At least, to me. I decided to cut my hair a little shorter when I was not myself. I was not thinking straight. Well, I was practically emotional. Like, right now. So I cut my hair, 40rgt pulak tu. Kurang ajar punya hair stylist! I told you not to make it nipis!!!
Oh hair, please grow faster. I promise you, I won't cut you again. No, not even a short trim. This I promise you, my hair. Please grow. Growwwwwwwwww.....................
Selamat Hari Jadi
To Qayyum Iskandar Sulaiman
Happy Birthday!
You've been nothing but awesome. xx
And no, he's not my boyfriend. He's my cute little pinky fairy pixie little sister ;P
Its part and parcel of growing up -Iskandar.
Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak people! :)
Hope you have a wonderful one, so far. Fasting is doing me good this year, alhamdulillah. Kalau dulu, sahur mesti nak makan nasi, pulun habis-habisan kononnya nak survive sampai maghrib. Tapi sekarang, dah besar kan? Kurma 2 biji dengan susu pun dah cukup. Kalau dulu, tak suka langsung makan kurma. nak telan pun tak boleh terima. Tapi sekarang, kurma is my bestfriend! My daddy must be so proud of me, now. Dulu ayah la orang yang paksa I telan kurma tu. Alasan I tak nak makan kurma sebab rupa macam lipas. Epp, tak senonohnya cakap macam tu Najwa ni. Kan sunah Rasulullah saw makan kurma tu? Takpe lah, what past is past. Ewww, cliche sangat ayat tu. benci.
So, moving on. I nak share tips senang bangun sahur and kekal segar sepanjang time makan sahur ni. I dah try for 6 days of puasa and alhamdulillah, tak rasa lapar sangat pun masa puasa. Kalau ikut tips ni, tak buka pun takpe! ok, dusta. Memang wajib buka, sebab lapar sangat. Ok, apa yang saya buat masa bangun sahur? I lompat je dari katil 2 tingkat ni, mesti I mengerang kesakitan dulu. Ye la, siapa suruh malas sangat taknak guna tangga katil tu? Nak jugak budget Catwoman, lompat-lompat dalam gelap. Dah sakit kaki pagi pagi. Padan muka. Tapi takpe, bila sakit, segar sikit mata. Tapi jangan mencarut taw, ni kan bulan puasa. Mengerang je, tapi jangan mencarut. Lepas lompat, turned on the lights sebanyak and seterang yang boleh. This way, mesti mata terbuka luas terus. Before you pergi kumuh mulut, minum air kosong segelas dulu. INGAT TAW, JANGAN BASU MULUT TU. MINUM JE AIR TERUS! this will help you to have better digestion during Ramadhan. Takde lah constipation or diarrhea lagi. After that, masuk toilet, !*@^)@&!& buat la apa-apa yang patut then terus basuh muka dengan air sejuk. Mesti by this monent, anda akan lebih bertenaga! Ok, lepastu, minum plain water segelas lagi. al maklumlah, adalah sangat penting untuk replenish your body with lots and lots of plain water. No, bukan air sirap or Coke ok? Plain water je, period. Next, kunyah 2 biji kurma slow-slow sambil minum susu. Nyum nyum. Perfect combination! Sedap sangat! Lepas dah makan tu, minum lagi plain water then pergi lah solat subuh :) InsyaAllah, anda akan bertenaga macam saya sepanjang berpuasa tu! Ok, sangat lah tipu. I lah orang paling kuat merengek kalau puasa sampai kawan-kawan pun tension. T_T Sorry kawan-kawan, esok tak merengek lagi dah.
Weekend lepas, balik rumah. Buka best dengan family lepastu celebrated Ayah's 58th birthday at Baskin & Robbins. Ayah pernah cakap, dulu masa dia kanak-kanak comel, dia pernah tengok Baskin & Robbins dalam tv and nampak sedap sangat. And he thought to himself, mesti sampai bila-bila pun dia takkan dapat rasa eskrem (read: ice-cream) enak yang berkaler-kaler comel tu. So sad ok cerita ayah tu! :( Haa, ambik kau. sekarang dapat kek besar gajah! Kalah budak kecik celebrate umur 6 tahun. TAPI SEDIH LA BILA INGAT BALIK PASAL BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION NI! MEMORY CARD HP ROSAK, SEMUA GAMBAR COMEL AYAH DAN LITTLE PRINCESS BABYGIRL (ME) HILANGGGGG!!! Erghhhh! NAK GAMBAR COMELLLL! NAKKKK! NAKKK! NAKK! *and it goes on*
Tapi takpe, memori kekal di hati dan fikiran. Banyak bersabar, kan ni bulan puasa?
Omg. sahur dekat rumah sangat best! I have a wonderful mom yang hobinya adalah memasak dan membuat kek dan kuih. So, kami anak-anak dan si suami sangat lah teramat lucky to have her in our lives. Sebab kami lah her very own food critics! Jadi, memasak pada waktu sahur and buka adalah no sweat bagi Mak saya. Kami pun, seronok je la makan je kerja. (sebab tu lah badan saya terlebih sihat, don't ask) So yeah, bertuah betul siapa yang boleh menyambut bulan Ramadhan dengan family. I envy youuuuu... I dapat buka and sahur sekali je dengan family! Nak nangis :( Tapi takpe, abang pernah cakap, "it's part and parcel of growing up".
Haih, hectic sangat minggu lepas. Assignments submission, tests, quizzes, presentations and the list goes on. Ni belum masuk degree lagi ni, tapi dah busy macam mak aii (tak boleh mencarut). Macam mana lah degree nanti kan?
Qayyum, Zee and I play this slap game. well, it works like this, any one of us yang mencarut masa sedang menjalankan ibadah puasa, akan ditampar oleh the other two. And, kalau I mencarut, tapi they don't realize it and don't tampar me, I'll have the power to slap them on the ground of tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawab. How cool is that? Try it with your close friends only. I repeat, close friends only. Let me bold it. CLOSE FRIENDS ONLY. Why? Sebab kalau sesuka hati je tampar random people, tak pasal-pasal beraya dengan muka lebam-lebam nanti.
Ok, selamat berpuasa!
Holiday day 6
Pelik sangat macam mana dulu kita boleh tidur satu katil, mandi sama-sama, kongsi tuala yang sama, makan dari pinggan yang sama, minum dari cawan yang sama. Kongsi semua cerita bersama, menangis sama-sama, ketawa tak ingat dunia bersama. Pelik, kenapa sekarang kita dah tak macam dulu dah.
Tak rindu ke semua benda yang kita buat sama-sama tu dulu? Tak teringin ke nak kongsi semua cerita bersama? Tak teringat ke semua benda yang kita buat sama-sama? Menari, melompat macam monyet, menyanyi jerit-jerit tak fikir orang lain?
Sedap kan makanan tu kalau kita ramai-ramai berebut? biskut kering cicah teh o pun boleh jadi rebutan. Apam kosong pun jadi sedap kalau kita makan ramai-ramai. Tempat yang sangat bosan pun boleh jadi havoc kalau kita semua ada. Kan?
I miss us, I miss you. I miss the old me. Don't you miss us?
Ni semua salah padang lalang. Ni semua sebab padang lalang jauhkan kita. Padang lalang kecil sangat, bilik sempit and panas. Orang pun jadi panas.
Shit! I haven't touch anything on my assignments yet. WTF is wrong with me? I have to stay home tomorrow and finish up all of my assignments.
Tak rindu ke semua benda yang kita buat sama-sama tu dulu? Tak teringin ke nak kongsi semua cerita bersama? Tak teringat ke semua benda yang kita buat sama-sama? Menari, melompat macam monyet, menyanyi jerit-jerit tak fikir orang lain?
Sedap kan makanan tu kalau kita ramai-ramai berebut? biskut kering cicah teh o pun boleh jadi rebutan. Apam kosong pun jadi sedap kalau kita makan ramai-ramai. Tempat yang sangat bosan pun boleh jadi havoc kalau kita semua ada. Kan?
I miss us, I miss you. I miss the old me. Don't you miss us?
Ni semua salah padang lalang. Ni semua sebab padang lalang jauhkan kita. Padang lalang kecil sangat, bilik sempit and panas. Orang pun jadi panas.
Shit! I haven't touch anything on my assignments yet. WTF is wrong with me? I have to stay home tomorrow and finish up all of my assignments.
Happy Birthday Jue! You've been a great friend for all of these years. Love you. xx
Happy Birthday Zakwan
Zakwan Anuar's surprise birthday party was awesome. Though there were only the 9 of us but it was so meaningful and oh so fun! Birthday Zee dah lama sebenarnya, on the 10th of July but we don't wanna celebrate in Kuantan so we postponed it hence, the party at my house. Qayyum, Lego and I planned out the whole thing. Hebatnya Qayyum masak! Lego pun hebat membantu. me? help around, buat air sirap, (sebelum kamu semua tanya, "eh, kenapa kampung sangat minum sirap dengan western food?" let me tell you this, the birthday boy suka air sirap ok. tu buat air sirap baik punya) basuh pinggan, ambik tupperware. teeheehee. banyak jugak lah kerja tu.
So, the nite before the party yesterday, Qayyum and Lego came to my house and we did some grocery shopping together. Ahh, I dah feeling feeling macam ibu-ibu bawak two retarded sons yang sangat kecoh. We love Tesco sebab rasa macam tengah shopping kat supermarket in USA. perasan sangat, kan?The boys slept over at my house and I felt like I buat sleepover with my girlfriends! We watched romantic movie together while having Oreo with milk, heart to heart talk and meni pedi. The boys are so adorable!
And, the day of the party? All was well! Zee looked so happy and everyone was happy too. We loved the food. My niece Alya had fun too sebab dia dipuji-puji non stop from my friends. Tu terus happy tu. Alololo, you so vain Alya. Thanks to everyone who helped :) And Zee, I hope you like our small token of appreciation on your birthday. I love you so much!
Gambar akan diupdate later ye. Sabar.. :)
So, the nite before the party yesterday, Qayyum and Lego came to my house and we did some grocery shopping together. Ahh, I dah feeling feeling macam ibu-ibu bawak two retarded sons yang sangat kecoh. We love Tesco sebab rasa macam tengah shopping kat supermarket in USA. perasan sangat, kan?The boys slept over at my house and I felt like I buat sleepover with my girlfriends! We watched romantic movie together while having Oreo with milk, heart to heart talk and meni pedi. The boys are so adorable!
And, the day of the party? All was well! Zee looked so happy and everyone was happy too. We loved the food. My niece Alya had fun too sebab dia dipuji-puji non stop from my friends. Tu terus happy tu. Alololo, you so vain Alya. Thanks to everyone who helped :) And Zee, I hope you like our small token of appreciation on your birthday. I love you so much!
Gambar akan diupdate later ye. Sabar.. :)
holiday day 2
rasa macam nak sepak diri sendiri bila fikir balik semua benda bodoh yang pernah dibuat dulu. Contohnya, sneak out nak pergi lepak tengok World Cup, lepastu kantoi masa tengah bukak pintu pagar. I was caught red-handed man! It was very very scary ok. kalah seram tengok cerita Ju-0n. Till now, bila fikir balik zaman kehijauan, situasi kantoi sneak out tu, masih meremang bulu roma.
*bukak pintu pagar slow-slow, terdengar panggilan suara garau dari tingkap bilik atas*
ya allah ya tuhanku, masa tu. only god knows how I felt. menggigil tangan, berpeluh-peluh, jantung pun takut nak berdegup. Rasa macam nak lari jauh-jauh je masa tu, taknak balik rumah 2746 tahun, sebab takut nak jumpa ayah. WHY WAWA. WHY?
Ok, tu je nak cerita. kantoi sneak out masa umur setahun jagung. tak silap, masa form 3 kot. masa tu,kurang bijak sikit. ADA KE, NAK SNEAK OUT IKUT PAGAR BESAR DEPAN RUMAH?! what the heck. Now, dah meningkat dewasa, boleh keluar dengan hanya meminta izin. Thanks Ayah and Mak for being so understanding and sangat lah sporting. Love you! :D
*bukak pintu pagar slow-slow, terdengar panggilan suara garau dari tingkap bilik atas*
ya allah ya tuhanku, masa tu. only god knows how I felt. menggigil tangan, berpeluh-peluh, jantung pun takut nak berdegup. Rasa macam nak lari jauh-jauh je masa tu, taknak balik rumah 2746 tahun, sebab takut nak jumpa ayah. WHY WAWA. WHY?
Ok, tu je nak cerita. kantoi sneak out masa umur setahun jagung. tak silap, masa form 3 kot. masa tu,kurang bijak sikit. ADA KE, NAK SNEAK OUT IKUT PAGAR BESAR DEPAN RUMAH?! what the heck. Now, dah meningkat dewasa, boleh keluar dengan hanya meminta izin. Thanks Ayah and Mak for being so understanding and sangat lah sporting. Love you! :D
Holiday day 1
*click image*
Like, seriously Fesbuk? (read;Facebook) Takkan lah orang yang suka Najib, suka Anwar juga?
So, moving on. My midterm break dah start! And i'm so happy to be back home. I miss sleeping with my cats, with the radio on. Sitting on the couch watching TV, eating ice-cream with ice cold plain water. Sebab duduk dekat hostel takde fridge. Kalau nak air sejuk kene turun bawah. dah la bilik I tingkat 4.malas. and, being able to say yes when my friends ajak lepak. I can't wait to start my degree in Shah Alam!
Oh yes, weekend in Kuantan is not so bad. It's kinda fun actually. Losing bonds are strengthen, new friendship, discovering places in Kuantan, a wake up call and a huge smile on my face :D Thanks for those who made Kuantan feels like home to me. You are the best.
Jadi,apa plan cuti ni? Assignments! best kan?
And before I go, just wanna let this thing out. I REALLY HATE IT WHEN A PERSON ADD ME IN FB, AND I APPROVED HIM/HER. let me repeat this, dia yang add I ok, lepastu I yang approve dia ok. AND THEN, HE/SHE WROTE A WALLPOST...
"Hey, thanks for the add"
Boleh tak jangan perasan sangat? I don't know why am I so furious about this but I am very. Somehow, it is very disturbing for me. Can't you just say, Hello or Thanks? geeesh.
Just hold on to me
Baca sendiri lah eh pasal Illuminati ni, malas nak explain. Nanti kene tembak pulak kalau cakap bende salah. Click the link! click it! click it! CLICKKKK ITTTTTT!!! ok, enough. Anyhuus...
Felicitaciones España!
I told you that Spain is going to win. Yay. I'm cool like Paul the Octopus yaw. I predicted the game between Germany and Spain and I was right, Spain won! I even won 10rm bet from my friend. Ish, kalau tahu, I bet 182546rm. teeheehee. Tengok lah manusia ni. tamak betul, bukan?
Like seriously, really?
Dah lama tak update blog. *bersiul selamba*
I have lost my blogging mojo. Come back mojo! Come back, pronto! I need to express me feelings somewhere. And Blogspot is not attractive to me anymore. Why? I prefer updating in my Twitter account. Short, precise and simple. Less is more, much?
Oh well, apa eh nak celita? Oh I sekarang dah mula balik my habit of pergi balik Kuantan to Kolompo (read: Kuala Lumpur). Macam lah Kuantan tu dekat sangat kan? Oi Wawa, ingat Kuantan tu macam KLCC je ke nak balik every single week? Ingat 52rgt tu sikit ke untuk dibuang setiap minggu? Assignments buat ke kat rumah? Obviously, no. But oh well, what to do? I just can't stay there. It's too depressing. Anyhow, I will find reasons just to go back home. I just can't. Semester 2 was different though. I stayed longer. At least, I went back home once in 2 weeks. Tak lah membazir sangat. But this semester is being a bitch. It's like semester 1 all over again. Homesick, the adapting, the tak-selesa-lah-nak-mandi-kat-sini situation, the tidur-tak-nyenyak etc. I hate this. Boo hoo.
I have to ace my final semester coz I have to get the scholarship. I WANT THE SCHOLARSHIP. I NEED IT. Jealous lah tengok kawan-kawan ada scholarship. nak jugak! So yes, this semester. All i want is at least a GPA of 3.5. At least. It's a really high goal so I have to work my butt of for this.
I know, I know most of you said JB is annoying, a fag, a sissy. But... but.. these two boys are just too adorable! Can't help it :P Jaden Smith is too much very super cute in this! Especially time dia rapping! Ok,dah cukup Wawa. People will think that you're a cradle robber. A cougar. A perv. Ok, stop.
It reminds me of my little adik la. Adik Abai, umur baru setahun jagung tapi bajet cool ya a aw. Alolo, comelnya mereka :)
I have lost my blogging mojo. Come back mojo! Come back, pronto! I need to express me feelings somewhere. And Blogspot is not attractive to me anymore. Why? I prefer updating in my Twitter account. Short, precise and simple. Less is more, much?
Oh well, apa eh nak celita? Oh I sekarang dah mula balik my habit of pergi balik Kuantan to Kolompo (read: Kuala Lumpur). Macam lah Kuantan tu dekat sangat kan? Oi Wawa, ingat Kuantan tu macam KLCC je ke nak balik every single week? Ingat 52rgt tu sikit ke untuk dibuang setiap minggu? Assignments buat ke kat rumah? Obviously, no. But oh well, what to do? I just can't stay there. It's too depressing. Anyhow, I will find reasons just to go back home. I just can't. Semester 2 was different though. I stayed longer. At least, I went back home once in 2 weeks. Tak lah membazir sangat. But this semester is being a bitch. It's like semester 1 all over again. Homesick, the adapting, the tak-selesa-lah-nak-mandi-kat-sini situation, the tidur-tak-nyenyak etc. I hate this. Boo hoo.
I have to ace my final semester coz I have to get the scholarship. I WANT THE SCHOLARSHIP. I NEED IT. Jealous lah tengok kawan-kawan ada scholarship. nak jugak! So yes, this semester. All i want is at least a GPA of 3.5. At least. It's a really high goal so I have to work my butt of for this.
I know, I know most of you said JB is annoying, a fag, a sissy. But... but.. these two boys are just too adorable! Can't help it :P Jaden Smith is too much very super cute in this! Especially time dia rapping! Ok,dah cukup Wawa. People will think that you're a cradle robber. A cougar. A perv. Ok, stop.
It reminds me of my little adik la. Adik Abai, umur baru setahun jagung tapi bajet cool ya a aw. Alolo, comelnya mereka :)
It's because of you
Lepas 2 minggu balik Kuantan, no update at all! Why? Because, I was so busy adapting myself in a new hostel. It is so small, like very small. Ok, let me give you an overview on how small the room is. There are 3 of us in the room, so if I'm busy in the toilet, Farim has to be in front of the lockers and Balqis has to be at the study table area. Then, if I'm in front of the lockers someone has to move somewhere else. So does Balqis.. It's like a rotation. WE HAVE TO SHUFFLE OUR POSITIONS IN THE ROOM AND TAKE TURN TO BE ON OUR STUDY TABLE TO MAKE UP SEBAB BILIK KECIK SANGAT. NAK BERNAFAS PUN SUSAH KALAU TAK BUKAK TINGKAP. Stress tak? Orang cakap, kecil kecil cili padi kan? This room is the epitome of that peribahasa. Sebab ia kecik sangat, oleh itu pengaliran udara tak mantap. Hence, the heat. Tak payah guna sauna nak kuruskan badan, cuba try tidur pukul tengah hari dalam bilik ni. Bangun-bangun tidur terus feluh-feluh macam lepas merentas desa minus the kulit hitam.
Pak guard sekarang pun dah melampau. Epp. nak kena ni. Ada ke patut? I pakai baju longgar size L dia cakap baju saya ketat? Ada ke patut saya pakai selipar nak jemur baju kat bawah pun dia marah? Ada ke patut dia suruh saya dye balik rambut saya hitam ASAP? Awak ingat murah ke nak dye rambut saya yang panjang gila ni? Paling murah pun kos dia 80rgt ok? Bagi duit la, saya beli baju kurung kat Mydin banyak banyak, lepastu dye rambut hitam. Boleh je.
This semester banyak sangat liku likunya. I HAVE TO BE STRONG.
Oh yes, last Saturday Alya the niece sudah selamat dicukurkan rambutnya yang alahai, lembutnya. She was such a good girl! Duduk diam, control comel je masa orang sibuk-sibuk potong rambutnya. Tak meragam langsung. Maybe she knew that the camera was all around her. I bet dalam hati dia terdetik berkata "must. control. cute. maintain. nanti gambar tak cantik kalau nangis," Awh, comel tak kalau dia betul2 cakap macam tu? :P
Pak guard sekarang pun dah melampau. Epp. nak kena ni. Ada ke patut? I pakai baju longgar size L dia cakap baju saya ketat? Ada ke patut saya pakai selipar nak jemur baju kat bawah pun dia marah? Ada ke patut dia suruh saya dye balik rambut saya hitam ASAP? Awak ingat murah ke nak dye rambut saya yang panjang gila ni? Paling murah pun kos dia 80rgt ok? Bagi duit la, saya beli baju kurung kat Mydin banyak banyak, lepastu dye rambut hitam. Boleh je.
This semester banyak sangat liku likunya. I HAVE TO BE STRONG.
Oh yes, last Saturday Alya the niece sudah selamat dicukurkan rambutnya yang alahai, lembutnya. She was such a good girl! Duduk diam, control comel je masa orang sibuk-sibuk potong rambutnya. Tak meragam langsung. Maybe she knew that the camera was all around her. I bet dalam hati dia terdetik berkata "must. control. cute. maintain. nanti gambar tak cantik kalau nangis," Awh, comel tak kalau dia betul2 cakap macam tu? :P
The Ismail's. Yeap, kitorang memang ramai :)
Cantik tak Alya?!
Can you like, not bring that up?
Was trying out my kakak punya pakwe punya latop baru punya webcam. fahamtakk? Best webcam laptop ni. Nampak muka sesuci safa walaupun tanpa sebarang make up. sebenarnya banyak sangat gambar macam ni tapi saya malu lah nak share, tapi kalau post semua pun mesti anda semua muntah geli. teeheehee.
Eleh, konon comel lah tu ambik gambar macam tu? padahal tengah cover zits yang melimpah ruah kat dahi.
I am suppose to sleep now, or at least double check my packed stuffs for Kuantan. Or at least feel excited to start the ending of my Pre Law journey in Kuantan but heck no. I'm so down now. Feels like hiding myself here in my room, skip the first classes. But to think back, I don't wanna be a coward. I have to face this final semester though I heard tons of bad rumours about this final semester. Difficult papers, hundreds of juniors, packed classes and and dodgy dorm rooms :( AHHH! BILA TULIS SEMUA TU RASA MACAM NAK MENANGIS ESOK DAH KENA START!!
Wawa, calm down. PRONTO!
how am I suppose to end something without even starting it? Right? so yeah, here I am. with all the positive vibes in the world, going back to Kuantan tomorrow. Yes, I AM ready for everything and anything. BRING IT ON! cewahh, semangat sangat konon. tengok-tengok esok, menangis pegang pagar rumah tak nak lepas.
I'm gonna miss e-v-e-r-y-single-t-h-i-n-g here. hish. Don't dwell over this, it will take me nowhere but to frustration valley. Lets just be all miss sunshine tomorrow and hope for the best this semester. I hope that I'm gonna score better and love law more.
Cheers to all Kuantan's Pre-Law students. Lets thrive for the best no matter what the condition is. HIDUP KARPAL SINGH!! eh, tiba-tiba pulak.
Eleh, konon comel lah tu ambik gambar macam tu? padahal tengah cover zits yang melimpah ruah kat dahi.
I am suppose to sleep now, or at least double check my packed stuffs for Kuantan. Or at least feel excited to start the ending of my Pre Law journey in Kuantan but heck no. I'm so down now. Feels like hiding myself here in my room, skip the first classes. But to think back, I don't wanna be a coward. I have to face this final semester though I heard tons of bad rumours about this final semester. Difficult papers, hundreds of juniors, packed classes and and dodgy dorm rooms :( AHHH! BILA TULIS SEMUA TU RASA MACAM NAK MENANGIS ESOK DAH KENA START!!
Wawa, calm down. PRONTO!
how am I suppose to end something without even starting it? Right? so yeah, here I am. with all the positive vibes in the world, going back to Kuantan tomorrow. Yes, I AM ready for everything and anything. BRING IT ON! cewahh, semangat sangat konon. tengok-tengok esok, menangis pegang pagar rumah tak nak lepas.
I'm gonna miss e-v-e-r-y-single-t-h-i-n-g here. hish. Don't dwell over this, it will take me nowhere but to frustration valley. Lets just be all miss sunshine tomorrow and hope for the best this semester. I hope that I'm gonna score better and love law more.
Cheers to all Kuantan's Pre-Law students. Lets thrive for the best no matter what the condition is. HIDUP KARPAL SINGH!! eh, tiba-tiba pulak.
Counting days
Ish, tak boleh tidur la kawan-kawan. Macam mana ni? I've tried it all!
Minum susu? Checked!
Kira virtual kambing? Checked!
Berangan kahwin-kahwin? Checked!
Stalk people? Checked!
Blog-hopping and blog-shopping? Checked!
Semua dah buat. Still, I'm wide awake now. Alive and kicking hard. What the hell? I have plans with Mummy tomorrow! I should sleep now tengah krooh krooohh because I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TOMORROW. TAKNAK KENA TINGGAL MACAM TADI. SEMUA KELUAR MAKAN LUNCH, I SORANG DITINGGALKAN DI RUMAH, LEPASTU LAPAR GILA. PADAN MUKA. SIAPA SURUH BANGUN PUKUL 2? KAN DAH TAK DAPAT IKUT PERGI LUNCH ENAK DEKAT MANHATTAN FISH MARKET! Haaa, ambik kau. lecture diri sendiri. Thats why la i wanna wake up early tomorrow. taknak kena tinggal lagi. IT SUCKS. BIG TIME! Ok, dah la tu caps lock semua benda.
And another 1 big problemo when you stay up this late. You get hungry! Yes, I'm so hungry now. Taknak lah makan, sebab nanti terus tidur. lepastu, menangis tak berlagu bila timbang berat, naik 3 kilo, jeans ketat, baju putih menunjukkan perut bulat yang comel. NOO! I can't eat now. But I'm thinking about my EGG, HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH. nama pun sedap. *telan air liur*
Sleep wawa. Sleep. Eh, kalau minum susu sekarang, does it helps?
Dah guling-guling for about an hour tadi finding my comfort zone to sleep. But still, here I am now. Blogging. Why?? Macam-macam position I've tried. Mula-mula kepala kat pintu toilet. Eh, macam x best je. Tukar pulak, kaki yang menghandap pintu toilet.
*20 minutes later*
Turned on my air cond. Maybe I need to feel a lil cold.
*10 minutes later*
Alamak! sejuk pulak! Turned it off. Lepastu dah keluar masuk toilet kencing beribu kali, minum warm water tak payah cakap la berapa kali pulak. Siap bawak botol lagi dalam bilik. Tapi tetap segar-bugar macam bangun pagi-pagi pergi sekolah. NOT! pagi-pagi in school la waktu paling mengantuk sekali. rasa macam boleh tidur je during assembly sambil berdiri tu.
Minum susu? Checked!
Kira virtual kambing? Checked!
Berangan kahwin-kahwin? Checked!
Stalk people? Checked!
Blog-hopping and blog-shopping? Checked!
Semua dah buat. Still, I'm wide awake now. Alive and kicking hard. What the hell? I have plans with Mummy tomorrow! I should sleep now tengah krooh krooohh because I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TOMORROW. TAKNAK KENA TINGGAL MACAM TADI. SEMUA KELUAR MAKAN LUNCH, I SORANG DITINGGALKAN DI RUMAH, LEPASTU LAPAR GILA. PADAN MUKA. SIAPA SURUH BANGUN PUKUL 2? KAN DAH TAK DAPAT IKUT PERGI LUNCH ENAK DEKAT MANHATTAN FISH MARKET! Haaa, ambik kau. lecture diri sendiri. Thats why la i wanna wake up early tomorrow. taknak kena tinggal lagi. IT SUCKS. BIG TIME! Ok, dah la tu caps lock semua benda.
And another 1 big problemo when you stay up this late. You get hungry! Yes, I'm so hungry now. Taknak lah makan, sebab nanti terus tidur. lepastu, menangis tak berlagu bila timbang berat, naik 3 kilo, jeans ketat, baju putih menunjukkan perut bulat yang comel. NOO! I can't eat now. But I'm thinking about my EGG, HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH. nama pun sedap. *telan air liur*
Sleep wawa. Sleep. Eh, kalau minum susu sekarang, does it helps?
Dah guling-guling for about an hour tadi finding my comfort zone to sleep. But still, here I am now. Blogging. Why?? Macam-macam position I've tried. Mula-mula kepala kat pintu toilet. Eh, macam x best je. Tukar pulak, kaki yang menghandap pintu toilet.
*20 minutes later*
Turned on my air cond. Maybe I need to feel a lil cold.
*10 minutes later*
Alamak! sejuk pulak! Turned it off. Lepastu dah keluar masuk toilet kencing beribu kali, minum warm water tak payah cakap la berapa kali pulak. Siap bawak botol lagi dalam bilik. Tapi tetap segar-bugar macam bangun pagi-pagi pergi sekolah. NOT! pagi-pagi in school la waktu paling mengantuk sekali. rasa macam boleh tidur je during assembly sambil berdiri tu.
Hello sexy!
gambarku dijadikan wallpaper laptop seseorang. Bestnyaaaaa! :)
NOT MY OWN LAPTOP OK? IM NOT THAT VAIN. plus, my laptop is smaller and it's pink!
Oh hye. yes you sexy readers. howwawyu? im going back to Kuantan in 7 days! Boo hoo hoo :'( I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO KUANTAN! It feels weird coz this is by far, the longest holiday I ever had. And I never wanna end this, I'm having the time of my life now.
Nanti macam mana nak online dengan high-speed Streamyx tercinta ku pada tengah malam? Macam mana nak stay up sampai pukul 4 pagi tanpa rasa cuak-cuak pergi toilet nak kencing sorang2? Kalau kat Kuantan, my room mate Alya (sama kan nama dgn my niece? hehe) yang selalu jadi mangsa dikejut tengah-tengah malam untuk teman I buat business kat toilet. ALYA, I LOVE YOU! :) Moving on, macam mana nak dapat makan best without peeking in my purse, counting my money, thinking, cukup ke tak ni sampai next allowance? How to sleep with thick, soft comforter bajet tidur kat hotel sejuk2? Sebab no air-cond? Macam mana nak tengok tv duduk secara kurang sopan atas sofa ku yang empuk, ditemani lampu jingga romantis? How I wanna make impromptu plans with my friends to go lepak2? Macam mana nak layan dvd malam2, dengar lagu macam nak pecah speaker dalam bilik? Kat kuantan tak ada fridge boleh simpan yogurt drink. TAKDE ORANG YANG MASAK SEDAP SEDAP KAT KUANTAN, TAK PAYAH BAYAR PULAK TU! mummy, thank you, i love you :')
Oh homey home... I'm gonna miss you. oh homey home, you wait for me okay? I'll come back every week! I'll come back for good on October. You wait for me okay my homey home :)
Hello commoners! I'm the king of the world! Keeeeezz me henz, zhen jhu'll bih bless till eternity! -Sushi the cat
When the crocodiles purrr
This is by far, the greatest holiday ever. I don't know how to put it in words. I dont know how to describe my feelings yang bercampur baur ni. How I wish I have Nina's great words of writing. Damn u girl. You should write a book or something. Tak percaya dia terror tulis? click click on her name kat my blog list or tekan je kat nama dia kat atas ni :) Ok, moving on. I always have this tendency of merepek jauh2, melencong cakap benda lain. FOCUS WAWA! (nina, PAY ME NOW SEBAB I IKLANKAN YOU NI!)
So yeah. Loads of dramas, tears, laughter, anger, rage, frowns, sighs and macam macam lagi berlaku sepanjang semester break ni. FYI, duit pun banyak habis. macam air ok? nasib baik I have amazing parents, brothers, sisters n kawan2 yang tidak kedekut. You have my words dolls! I'm gonna make sure, one day when I'm rich, happily married with a Datuk, I'll belanja you guys makan best :D betul ni, tak tipuuuu. Hehe.
It is rather quite a productive holiday too sebab I'm working in Petrosains!
Walaupun takde lah dapat gaji beribu-ribu, tetapi cukup lah untuk berfoya-foya before balik Kuantan nanti. That is, in less than 2 weeks time.T_T taknak balik!! *kicks air* TAKNAK BALIK! *pulls hair* Taknak balik Kuantannnnnnnn!!! Ok, dah cukup!

Selain, membanting tulang di Petrosains, saya juga banyak berfoya-foya dgn rakan2. macam membanting tulang juga, cuma duit banyak habis. But I dont regret it though. I had so much fun! Like seriously,it is so much fun :D
We received a very beautiful, gorgeous, priceless gift from Allah. My very first niece, Alya Alexandra Bonnifay. I love you moi petite bebe :)
Though it is indeed a fun holiday, but there are tears too. I ended a 3 years relationship.. no further comment on that. I don't wanna blog about it. Sorry. And I lost my kitty cat, Baby. I had her for almost 3 years now :'(
but along came Sushi, just arrived today. Very cute black Persian with owl-like face. Aww, so cute. Oh yes, I'm obsessed with this band The Xx. To die for. I'm like addicted to them. MESTI DENGAR HARI2 BEFORE TIDUR. hehe. Thanks Tom Dempsey. And thanks to you too, I'm having the time of my life and this is the best holiday because of you! I know you know it
and...... I dah terror drive! Walaupun baru sahaja accident semalam masa keluar parking T_T Please don't blame me. The other 2 cars parked dekat sangat with my car AND IT WAS SCORCHING HOT! MY EYES WERE SQUINTING LOOKING FOR MY SHADES YANG JATUH BAWAH SEAT. sorry, I'm not a multitasker. Dammit. Memang lepas ni I tak boleh drive la selama at least, 4 months? baru the family trust me back. Haiyoo. SCREW YOU THREADING FEVER! ni semua sebab nak sangat pergi threading. It's okay. Things happened for a reason. Ada hikmah. Ada... *ayat nak sedapkan hati sendiri*
Okay, sampai disini sahaja coretan ku. buhbye!
So yeah. Loads of dramas, tears, laughter, anger, rage, frowns, sighs and macam macam lagi berlaku sepanjang semester break ni. FYI, duit pun banyak habis. macam air ok? nasib baik I have amazing parents, brothers, sisters n kawan2 yang tidak kedekut. You have my words dolls! I'm gonna make sure, one day when I'm rich, happily married with a Datuk, I'll belanja you guys makan best :D betul ni, tak tipuuuu. Hehe.
It is rather quite a productive holiday too sebab I'm working in Petrosains!
Walaupun takde lah dapat gaji beribu-ribu, tetapi cukup lah untuk berfoya-foya before balik Kuantan nanti. That is, in less than 2 weeks time.T_T taknak balik!! *kicks air* TAKNAK BALIK! *pulls hair* Taknak balik Kuantannnnnnnn!!! Ok, dah cukup!

Petrosains Volunteers batch April 2010
We received a very beautiful, gorgeous, priceless gift from Allah. My very first niece, Alya Alexandra Bonnifay. I love you moi petite bebe :)
Though it is indeed a fun holiday, but there are tears too. I ended a 3 years relationship.. no further comment on that. I don't wanna blog about it. Sorry. And I lost my kitty cat, Baby. I had her for almost 3 years now :'(
but along came Sushi, just arrived today. Very cute black Persian with owl-like face. Aww, so cute. Oh yes, I'm obsessed with this band The Xx. To die for. I'm like addicted to them. MESTI DENGAR HARI2 BEFORE TIDUR. hehe. Thanks Tom Dempsey. And thanks to you too, I'm having the time of my life and this is the best holiday because of you! I know you know it
and...... I dah terror drive! Walaupun baru sahaja accident semalam masa keluar parking T_T Please don't blame me. The other 2 cars parked dekat sangat with my car AND IT WAS SCORCHING HOT! MY EYES WERE SQUINTING LOOKING FOR MY SHADES YANG JATUH BAWAH SEAT. sorry, I'm not a multitasker. Dammit. Memang lepas ni I tak boleh drive la selama at least, 4 months? baru the family trust me back. Haiyoo. SCREW YOU THREADING FEVER! ni semua sebab nak sangat pergi threading. It's okay. Things happened for a reason. Ada hikmah. Ada... *ayat nak sedapkan hati sendiri*
Okay, sampai disini sahaja coretan ku. buhbye!
I'm a cry baby. Yes, I cry because of almost anything. If I'm sad,definitely I'll cry. If I'm happy, I'll cry, I'm so upset, I'll cry. I'm tired or exhausted, I'll cry. To cut to the chase, I'll cry if I'm emotionally aroused.
I CAN CRY ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE TOO. not proud of it tho.
Bukan mengada-ngada or sengaja nak menangis ni. If you really don't know me, you will make a quick judgment and jump into a conclusion saying that I'm just another attention whore. Ooopss, mind my word darlings. So, moving on. Yes apparently, I got that a lot! Apparently, these people are not sympathetic enough because they don't get all teared up when an old man fell down in front of us. And apparently, these people is not sensitive at all because they don't cry when Kajol in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai balik kampung naik train pakai baju punjabi suit warna putih selendang merah kilat kilat (I made my mum bought the exact looking punjabi suit for me on my 8th birthday because I was so in love with Kajol in that movie, btw) Don't blame me coz my heart is easily touched and my tears reservoir is bigger than normal.pfft.
Kadang kadang tu orang sampai pelik, tanya, senangnya wawa menangis? Oh well, I don't know what's the answer for this. I just smiled and said, (dengan air mata bertakung) "Coz I love to cry, it's a natural and the best eyes cleanser (scientifically proven anyways)" har-har-hardee-har-har. Very funneh, NOT.
Ok lah, saja nak share the fact that I love to cry. Bye
I CAN CRY ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE TOO. not proud of it tho.
Bukan mengada-ngada or sengaja nak menangis ni. If you really don't know me, you will make a quick judgment and jump into a conclusion saying that I'm just another attention whore. Ooopss, mind my word darlings. So, moving on. Yes apparently, I got that a lot! Apparently, these people are not sympathetic enough because they don't get all teared up when an old man fell down in front of us. And apparently, these people is not sensitive at all because they don't cry when Kajol in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai balik kampung naik train pakai baju punjabi suit warna putih selendang merah kilat kilat (I made my mum bought the exact looking punjabi suit for me on my 8th birthday because I was so in love with Kajol in that movie, btw) Don't blame me coz my heart is easily touched and my tears reservoir is bigger than normal.pfft.
Kadang kadang tu orang sampai pelik, tanya, senangnya wawa menangis? Oh well, I don't know what's the answer for this. I just smiled and said, (dengan air mata bertakung) "Coz I love to cry, it's a natural and the best eyes cleanser (scientifically proven anyways)" har-har-hardee-har-har. Very funneh, NOT.
Ok lah, saja nak share the fact that I love to cry. Bye
Creating wonders and Alia Alexandra
hey yawwwww. Been busy busy busy so I'm gonna do a very short update. The very malas one of course. Before that, *jumping happily while screaming* I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL PAN-ASIAN NIECE NOWWWWWWWW!! Kau kenapa? Perlu ke Pan-Asian tu Wawa oi? Eh, mesti lah perlu. LOL.
*drum rolls*
Alia Alixandra bt. Jerome Bonnifay
was born at 7.25pm on 24th April 2010 at Pantai Hospital, Bangsar.
was born at 7.25pm on 24th April 2010 at Pantai Hospital, Bangsar.
Look how happy big brother Pierre is with his new little sister :D And my gorgeous sister at the back :) When she was young, she was always teased for being so tan and dark. And now, she said, "in your face people! my husband and my babies are all white! and really white! LOL" Awww, how graceful the new mother, isn't she? -_____-" Anyhuus, they look so happy! BEST SGT!
JENG JENG JENG! The new aunty! Alia, why you so putih like mat salleh one? haiyaaa, where's my tan skin ha?
Ok,moving on. Today is my first day in Petrosains. I am a volunteer there. So, the tag line of Petrosains is 'Creating Wonders'. So you see, it's like a trend now to create new terms and lama kelamaan terus jadi a legitimate word, masuk dictionary terus. Like the word created by Beyonce, 'Bootylicious', Kimora's 'Fabulosity' and Petrosains' 'Wonderology' (tapi belum masuk dictionary lagi la) And yes, so the term Wonderolgy means (by us, Petrosains' folks) the study of wonders..... *insert magical background sound with pixie dust falling from the sky here* COOL, not?! Cool kan? Kan? No? Istillthinkit'sverycool. okthksbye.
Then, just nak bagitahu that we, the Petrosains' staffs are called as Wonderologists. Sumpah, ni cool sangat! I feel like I'm a geologist or a pathologist or something like that. I love it! Come say it with me people! WONDER-OLO-GIST! Yezzz, that iz me! ME!!! :D Datang lah ke Petrosains yer
Some random shizz
I completely have no idea when I'm going to start my third sem in Kuantan. Zzzzz. Apakah? Tak tahu bila sem start. I guess I'm not the only one. I KNOW I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW. Eh,konpiden semacam je awak ni Najwa. Iyolah,memang lah konpiden sebab when I asked my UiTM friends, bila eh naik sem 3? All of them gave me the same exact answers, which is, "tak tahu" or "entah" or "nnt nak dekat2 naik tu, tahu lah" -.-
Ok, it seems like I'm the only one yang semangat nak naik semester ni kenapa? Dah la balik Kuantan pulak tu. Kau dah kenapa? Kan.. Mesti ada scandal dengan abang burger or abang kerja kat wayang East Coast Mall (or better known as ECM among the locals) ni kan?A BIG FAT NOT for that please. It is not the reason why tak sabar nak masuk sem 3 ni, it is because I am so excited for my degree in Shah Alam this December. weeeeeeeeee. I wanna get it over and done with asap. I don't wanna be the Pre-Law student anymore. I wanna be a Law student. Yes. I can smell you from here, Karpal Singh! I can already see myself walking side by side, holding hands (euyuhhh) with you already. HAHA. I berangan nak jadi his intern or even better, his partner. But the angelic one of course.
Sekarang ni, my pocket money mengalir macam air. Sekelip mata je boleh habis. I wanted to find a part time job, malangnya, niat tu tak tercapai. Sebab I've been going out a lot lately with my friends. Everyday got plans one. Why ah? Haiyaa, ni tak boleh dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Kita mesti cari jalan penyelesaian untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini! *cakap laju laju sambil letak dua jari di bawah dagu dengan muka penuh semangat* Oleh itu, I came up with the idea with my mom, to do a small garage sale dekat padang depan rumah ni. I will give out free cupcakes that I bake to attract people, then terus jual my junks to them. But good junks ok. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure, innit? Bukan sahaja dapat duit, malah dapat mengosongkan ruang di rumah dan boleh dijadikan alasan yang kukuh to buy new things. MUAHAHAHAHA. im good, yes, very good. Tapi, ini sekadar rough plan je.
To all zee chocolate lovers out there!! Me found the greatest 'mampu beli oleh pelajar universiti yang hidup dalam budget yang ketat' chocolate ever by Cadbury! Why am I so excited about this? Because it is effing cheap and super delicious. It literally melts in my mouth and the texture, OMG. just, heaven. I'm talking about you BOOST! , yes you. You are even sexier than Mark Wahlberg! You make me go, ahhhh. Murah ok, RM3.30 je. How cool is that? Even talking about him makes me drools and smile to myself. BOOST! , you are like my new obsession now. Ok, dah. Cukup!
I want to be all cheesy and corny to wish two of my greatest monkeys in the world, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEEEECH!
(top) My greatest male BFF, Aqeem. He turned the big 21 today! And we are going to party hard together this weekend! LOL. Then, to my most vain bigbrotha (bottom) Iskandar. He turned 28 today. I love you boys so much! have a great one and please try to stay sober. HAHAHA.
these dudes better do me good for the next 50 years because I actually post a birthday entry for them! Anyhuus, happy birthday! *cheers*
P/s: the (top) and (bottom) pictures indicator somehow sounds wrong. It's kinda gay-ish. ah, peduli apa aku. Dorang memang macam gay pun. LMAO. ailafyuh! ;D
Ok, it seems like I'm the only one yang semangat nak naik semester ni kenapa? Dah la balik Kuantan pulak tu. Kau dah kenapa? Kan.. Mesti ada scandal dengan abang burger or abang kerja kat wayang East Coast Mall (or better known as ECM among the locals) ni kan?A BIG FAT NOT for that please. It is not the reason why tak sabar nak masuk sem 3 ni, it is because I am so excited for my degree in Shah Alam this December. weeeeeeeeee. I wanna get it over and done with asap. I don't wanna be the Pre-Law student anymore. I wanna be a Law student. Yes. I can smell you from here, Karpal Singh! I can already see myself walking side by side, holding hands (euyuhhh) with you already. HAHA. I berangan nak jadi his intern or even better, his partner. But the angelic one of course.
Sekarang ni, my pocket money mengalir macam air. Sekelip mata je boleh habis. I wanted to find a part time job, malangnya, niat tu tak tercapai. Sebab I've been going out a lot lately with my friends. Everyday got plans one. Why ah? Haiyaa, ni tak boleh dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Kita mesti cari jalan penyelesaian untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini! *cakap laju laju sambil letak dua jari di bawah dagu dengan muka penuh semangat* Oleh itu, I came up with the idea with my mom, to do a small garage sale dekat padang depan rumah ni. I will give out free cupcakes that I bake to attract people, then terus jual my junks to them. But good junks ok. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure, innit? Bukan sahaja dapat duit, malah dapat mengosongkan ruang di rumah dan boleh dijadikan alasan yang kukuh to buy new things. MUAHAHAHAHA. im good, yes, very good. Tapi, ini sekadar rough plan je.
To all zee chocolate lovers out there!! Me found the greatest 'mampu beli oleh pelajar universiti yang hidup dalam budget yang ketat' chocolate ever by Cadbury! Why am I so excited about this? Because it is effing cheap and super delicious. It literally melts in my mouth and the texture, OMG. just, heaven. I'm talking about you BOOST! , yes you. You are even sexier than Mark Wahlberg! You make me go, ahhhh. Murah ok, RM3.30 je. How cool is that? Even talking about him makes me drools and smile to myself. BOOST! , you are like my new obsession now. Ok, dah. Cukup!
I want to be all cheesy and corny to wish two of my greatest monkeys in the world, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEEEECH!
(top) My greatest male BFF, Aqeem. He turned the big 21 today! And we are going to party hard together this weekend! LOL. Then, to my most vain bigbrotha (bottom) Iskandar. He turned 28 today. I love you boys so much! have a great one and please try to stay sober. HAHAHA.
these dudes better do me good for the next 50 years because I actually post a birthday entry for them! Anyhuus, happy birthday! *cheers*
P/s: the (top) and (bottom) pictures indicator somehow sounds wrong. It's kinda gay-ish. ah, peduli apa aku. Dorang memang macam gay pun. LMAO. ailafyuh! ;D
Racism is still breathing alive among us?
I have this obsession with Urban Dictionary. thanks to a friend of mine. semua bende nak search kat sini sekarang. pantang je ternampak or terbaca ataupun terdengar ayat ayat luar biasa sekarang, mesti nak search kat sini. Lame.. i know.
Exhibit A: Eh, ayat pelik la. Elysium? ape tu? *online, pastu search kat Urban Dictionary*
lepas dah jumpa maksud, terus angguk angguk rasa pandai sebab next time kalau korang nak pergi clubbing kat Jalan Dorai tu, pastu jalan jalan. kawan kawan pun tanya, "wey korang, nampak best club tu. *pointing to Elysium Club* eh, apa maksud Elysium eh?" Boleh la anda semua (termasuk I) dengan bangga, sambil hidung kembang kecut buat muka pandai, jawab ape maksud Elysium tu kan?
Haaa, I tahu korang pun suka. Best la. this thing is addictive, I started off with looking for meaning of words yang masuk akal. dah lama lama, bosan dgn ke-skema-an diri ni, terus nak try something new. hehe. lalu, terlintas dlm fikiran search maksud2 ayat seperti... #*&#^&, dan &#^&#& dan &#)* dan juga !@&^#)*(. hahaha. lepastu, I even searched my name, Wawa! Narcissistic, much? LOL.
Moving on, was so bored one night. So, I searched for the meaning of Malay. Then, keluar la macam macam maksud. Yang penting 99% of it maybe was written by Chinese or Indians or just bunch of Malays yg benci kaum sendiri. We never know. So, berbalik kepada story tadi. tengah gelak gelak tengok The Nanny ni, terus hilang my happy mode. Lepastu, terus I bertukar jadi The Incredible Hulk (only that I'm pink and I have Kim's toned body. taknak macam hulk betul. eww, buruk. and I speak rempit when I turned to Pink Hulk). Gua sentapp habis ni der, makan dalammm. Ada ke patut mereka semua ni kutuk kutuk Melayu? na'ah, no way Jose. Only us Malays can trash our own race. no way in the world other races can do that even though sometimes ada jugak budak budak Melayu perangai memang mintak tamparan wanita, but still. no way, i repeat, NO WAY I can just keep quite when others talk trash about my race. NO WAY! korang nak sentap sama-sama tak? Jom baca some of their definitions of Malays ok?
Example 1:
Every race in Malaysia has its own weaknesses. The chinese are known to be very civil, disciplined and sometimes too hardworking. The malays are known to be too lazy. A chinese who gets his/her pay, will tend to keep it for emergency or future use. A malay in the other hand, would usually spend it immediately. There are nice malays out there but really hard to find.
Example 2:
If government dont have a policy to help them, i think they’re end up jobless. Malays are too emotional than rationale in handling issues.
-Ayat yang di-bold and italic kan tu mintak penyepak kan? kepala hotak kau berbulu! They are making hasty generalization here. I mean like, come on. You may have encountered with some lazy Malays, but jangan sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. How are you sure that we are lazy? Too lazy some more. Ini sudah lebih ni.
and lagi satu in example 2 tu, dah la grammar ke laut. ada hati nak kutuk orang jugak. FU! Their description about Malays are all personal views solely. No professionalism whatsoever. Try searching for Chinese or Indians in Urban Dictionary. ade tak orang trash teruk macam ni? NO. Why? because we Malays have ethics and we are very polite. We don't do trash talk online. because we cool like that yo.
p/: Don't mess with my blood. (walaupun bukan 100% pure Malay,tapi suka hati I lah!) You dont like me when I'm angry.
Exhibit A: Eh, ayat pelik la. Elysium? ape tu? *online, pastu search kat Urban Dictionary*
lepas dah jumpa maksud, terus angguk angguk rasa pandai sebab next time kalau korang nak pergi clubbing kat Jalan Dorai tu, pastu jalan jalan. kawan kawan pun tanya, "wey korang, nampak best club tu. *pointing to Elysium Club* eh, apa maksud Elysium eh?" Boleh la anda semua (termasuk I) dengan bangga, sambil hidung kembang kecut buat muka pandai, jawab ape maksud Elysium tu kan?
Haaa, I tahu korang pun suka. Best la. this thing is addictive, I started off with looking for meaning of words yang masuk akal. dah lama lama, bosan dgn ke-skema-an diri ni, terus nak try something new. hehe. lalu, terlintas dlm fikiran search maksud2 ayat seperti... #*&#^&, dan &#^&#& dan &#)* dan juga !@&^#)*(. hahaha. lepastu, I even searched my name, Wawa! Narcissistic, much? LOL.
Moving on, was so bored one night. So, I searched for the meaning of Malay. Then, keluar la macam macam maksud. Yang penting 99% of it maybe was written by Chinese or Indians or just bunch of Malays yg benci kaum sendiri. We never know. So, berbalik kepada story tadi. tengah gelak gelak tengok The Nanny ni, terus hilang my happy mode. Lepastu, terus I bertukar jadi The Incredible Hulk (only that I'm pink and I have Kim's toned body. taknak macam hulk betul. eww, buruk. and I speak rempit when I turned to Pink Hulk). Gua sentapp habis ni der, makan dalammm. Ada ke patut mereka semua ni kutuk kutuk Melayu? na'ah, no way Jose. Only us Malays can trash our own race. no way in the world other races can do that even though sometimes ada jugak budak budak Melayu perangai memang mintak tamparan wanita, but still. no way, i repeat, NO WAY I can just keep quite when others talk trash about my race. NO WAY! korang nak sentap sama-sama tak? Jom baca some of their definitions of Malays ok?
Example 1:
Every race in Malaysia has its own weaknesses. The chinese are known to be very civil, disciplined and sometimes too hardworking. The malays are known to be too lazy. A chinese who gets his/her pay, will tend to keep it for emergency or future use. A malay in the other hand, would usually spend it immediately. There are nice malays out there but really hard to find.
Example 2:
If government dont have a policy to help them, i think they’re end up jobless. Malays are too emotional than rationale in handling issues.
-Ayat yang di-bold and italic kan tu mintak penyepak kan? kepala hotak kau berbulu! They are making hasty generalization here. I mean like, come on. You may have encountered with some lazy Malays, but jangan sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. How are you sure that we are lazy? Too lazy some more. Ini sudah lebih ni.
and lagi satu in example 2 tu, dah la grammar ke laut. ada hati nak kutuk orang jugak. FU! Their description about Malays are all personal views solely. No professionalism whatsoever. Try searching for Chinese or Indians in Urban Dictionary. ade tak orang trash teruk macam ni? NO. Why? because we Malays have ethics and we are very polite. We don't do trash talk online. because we cool like that yo.
p/: Don't mess with my blood. (walaupun bukan 100% pure Malay,tapi suka hati I lah!) You dont like me when I'm angry.
You are so amazing. Yes, you :)
It's amazing how you can be so in love with someone for so many years then something happened, suddenly the feeling of the deep love just gone. It's amazing
Friday, I love you
Today is the most A-W-E-S-O-M-E Friday so far! Yesterday's tv host casting went well. My weight is slightly decreasing (hehehh. sikit je. tapi ade progress la orang kata) and the best part is, my final result is out and Alhamdulillah.. I got 3.87!
Say what people? Yes, I'm like so happy! Nak mandi pun tak dapat nak gerak2 away from this laptop dari tadi. adoi, dah la tu Wawa. Syok sendiri pulak dia. Dush dush. Hehe. Best sgt la perasaan ni. berbaloi gila masa study week seminngu tu I stayed Kuantan instead of home. Berbaloi sangat minum Pearl Cafe, stayed up late at night. Berbaloi sgt korbankan masa masa bersuka ria pergi study at the library. Berbaloi gila belajar sampai otak jam. Everything is so worth it. Berbaloi-baloi. :D
Mumsy: Hari ni tak payah belajar masak la. I'll cook your favourite. You can be a princess today. *hugged and kissed me. (A LOT!)*
Say what people? Yes, I'm like so happy! Nak mandi pun tak dapat nak gerak2 away from this laptop dari tadi. adoi, dah la tu Wawa. Syok sendiri pulak dia. Dush dush. Hehe. Best sgt la perasaan ni. berbaloi gila masa study week seminngu tu I stayed Kuantan instead of home. Berbaloi sangat minum Pearl Cafe, stayed up late at night. Berbaloi sgt korbankan masa masa bersuka ria pergi study at the library. Berbaloi gila belajar sampai otak jam. Everything is so worth it. Berbaloi-baloi. :D
Mumsy: Hari ni tak payah belajar masak la. I'll cook your favourite. You can be a princess today. *hugged and kissed me. (A LOT!)*
5 minit kemudian........
Mumsy: Wawa.... tolong masak nasi. 2 pot je sebab hari ni tak ramai orang kat rumah. *bebelan yang panjang. tak concentrate sgt* Thank u syg.
Bukankah baru sebentar tadi dia cakap I can be a princess today? kan? Maaaaaa, princess tak masak nasi sendiri!
anyhuuus, I love u ma :)
anyhuuus, I love u ma :)
Come what may
I know that this is going to hurt me,
going to break me,
and going to tear me down into pieces.
I know that this is going to make me cry,
make me regret and,
worse is make me miss him.
I know,
i knew,
i've known this
still, I am here on the verge,
having second thoughts,
doubts.. hasty thoughts,
asking myself,
What If?
How If?
I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't.
This is so wrong. Very much, indeed.
I need to put a full stop in this. I have to.
going to break me,
and going to tear me down into pieces.
I know that this is going to make me cry,
make me regret and,
worse is make me miss him.
I know,
i knew,
i've known this
still, I am here on the verge,
having second thoughts,
doubts.. hasty thoughts,
asking myself,
What If?
How If?
I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't.
This is so wrong. Very much, indeed.
I need to put a full stop in this. I have to.
Ayah, I love you :')
Now that I've lost everything to you
You say you want to start something new
And it's breaking my heart you're leaving
Baby I'm grieving
And if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
A lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
(yeah...) oh baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child girl
You know I've seen a lot of
What the world can do
And it's breaking my heart in two
Coz I never want to see you sad girl
Don't be a bad girl
But if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
Just remember there's
A lot of bad and beware
La...la...la...la...la...baby I love you.
You say you want to start something new
And it's breaking my heart you're leaving
Baby I'm grieving
And if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
A lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
(yeah...) oh baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child girl
You know I've seen a lot of
What the world can do
And it's breaking my heart in two
Coz I never want to see you sad girl
Don't be a bad girl
But if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
Just remember there's
A lot of bad and beware
La...la...la...la...la...baby I love you.
p/s : Ayah always sing this song to me :') He always remind me that I'm gonna be his little princess and that he still look at me as his baby girl forever.. Now, am I the luckiest daughter on Earth to have En. Ismail b. Sengari to be my superdad? I love you ayah. Always will and always have.
To infinity and beyond
ish. apaa ni dah lama tak update blog? I've been neglecting my blog for ages now. I don't know what has gotten into me. I thought I'm gonna be a blog-whore during my semester break. But obviously I'm wrong here. Cuti dah almost 3 weeks! But blog terbengkalai and 'to-do-list' kat tepi ni tak buat pun! Have so much more to complete! Been busy these past few days thinking (deep ones) and thinking and thinking again and again. Macam macam in my head! I even opt for Tara and Anita, Facebook's online psychics to help me make decisions. OMG! lame, much? I used to hate those applications in FB. And I even start to be the YouTube-whore, watching YouTube day and night. Lepastu, I become a better stalker! I stalked almost everyone now. Gosh. What happened to me? and not to mention, I become a crazayy cat lady too. I talked to my cats about everything, literally everything
What happened to you, Wawa? Why? Why? Tell me why? *dgn nada lagu Backstreet Boys*
Oh well, at least my diet plan is working baby! Hell yeah! Dah hilang 2 kgs so far. Ek eleh, baru 2 kg, dah kecoh pulak Wawa ni. Lu lilek je der, gua diet yang sihat ni. Not the crash diets thingy that I used to do. Thanks Qayyum for being my ever loyal advisor and nutritionist. Saaayanngggg awak! :D
Ok,moving on. Dah kenapa dgn manusia sekarang yang makin menjadi-jadi nak buang bayi ni? NOT! I'm so not gonna blog about this. Tapi mesti korang dah saspen kan tadi ingat I nak cakap pasal ni? Haha. Sorry der, gua takde enough info la nak mengomel pasal bende tu. But, all I know is, I oppose it 110%. Though I still believe that it's solely not the mum's fault. Jangan salahkan ibu mengandung,kan orang2 tua cakap. Itu dia..
By ze way, Farim's 19th birthday bash at The Apartment was AWESOME! Like,totally! We had so much fun, Love it! Feast your eyes people!

p/s : I'm so confuse now. But I have to make a quick decision before I break his heart. Be wise Wawa. Be wise..
Oh well, at least my diet plan is working baby! Hell yeah! Dah hilang 2 kgs so far. Ek eleh, baru 2 kg, dah kecoh pulak Wawa ni. Lu lilek je der, gua diet yang sihat ni. Not the crash diets thingy that I used to do. Thanks Qayyum for being my ever loyal advisor and nutritionist. Saaayanngggg awak! :D
Ok,moving on. Dah kenapa dgn manusia sekarang yang makin menjadi-jadi nak buang bayi ni? NOT! I'm so not gonna blog about this. Tapi mesti korang dah saspen kan tadi ingat I nak cakap pasal ni? Haha. Sorry der, gua takde enough info la nak mengomel pasal bende tu. But, all I know is, I oppose it 110%. Though I still believe that it's solely not the mum's fault. Jangan salahkan ibu mengandung,kan orang2 tua cakap. Itu dia..
By ze way, Farim's 19th birthday bash at The Apartment was AWESOME! Like,totally! We had so much fun, Love it! Feast your eyes people!

p/s : I'm so confuse now. But I have to make a quick decision before I break his heart. Be wise Wawa. Be wise..
how do I live, without you?
I hate myself for loving you too much
After 31 moths going strong, he called it a quit. Im'm sorry that I've changed. maybe Im just growing up and start to realize bigger dreams and goals in life. You could have been the one who supports me from my back, not bringing me down telling me that I've changed. I'm sorry, I love you but I can't be in this relationship anymore. It hurts so bad. You'll always be my love. Always. You're my one and only first love :(
After 31 moths going strong, he called it a quit. Im'm sorry that I've changed. maybe Im just growing up and start to realize bigger dreams and goals in life. You could have been the one who supports me from my back, not bringing me down telling me that I've changed. I'm sorry, I love you but I can't be in this relationship anymore. It hurts so bad. You'll always be my love. Always. You're my one and only first love :(
i'm a free bitch baby
I'm finally home. being a couch potato all over again. :DD this is what I call real resting day. with the tv on, tak tengok pun. lagu dekat laptop on, tak dengar pun. sebab nak type entri ni la. haha. barang bertakah takah lagi in my luggage, havent been touch.. yet. im still in my pjs now, with mask on my face. i love home! tidur pun selesa sebab ada my bestfriend, little miss aircond! comel kan? boleh manja manja, mengadu nasib dengan my meow meow. paling penting, boleh bersenam, merealisasikan impian nak body macam Kim K, dekat padang terbentang luas depan rumah ni! tapi selalunya hangat2 tahi ayam je semangat nak exercise ni. lepas 2 3 hari, terus malas. sebab rasa badan dah cukup kurus. padahal, 1 kg pun x turun lagi. ish, korang jangan nak gelak2. korang pun sama je kan? rasa rasa nak personal trainer la. *cough*macammampu*cough* oh well, i can be my own trainer rite? :DD
ok, Awana Kijal sangat la best sebab the club floor rooms are to die for! and and the best thing is, ada bath tub in the middle of the room! how superdope is that?! daddy said, it's a room for newlyweds, coz it's so sexy! daddy sangat comel bila dia semangat nak keropok lekor fresh from terengganu. Mak apa lagi, beli lah kerang2 yang sangat mahal harganya. and I bought myself a dried seahorse. sangatlah macam magical and fairytale gitu. sissy and lil bro were so happy I tought them to eat Sata. glad they love it. and thanks to Kuantan coz introduced me w Sata. It's like my new cheesecake! NOT! lol.
At the lobby waiting for daddy and mummy to check out :D sempat mendiva uolss.
I get high with BotFly
I may be a trypophobic but I'm really liking and loving extracting thing or anything out from the body! Like seriously, my hobby is always picit-ing jerawat people. Shahrul will be my mangsa of keadaan coz I will always picit his jerawat, my dad's and my brothers'. yes, it may be EWWWY and disgucting and yucky for some people but I LALALALAOVEEEE this video!
Give it a watch!
Huishh. macam klimaks kan bila botfly tu dah keluar from the body?! gerammmmm sgt! :D
p/s: this is what happened if you're under final exam stress.
Give it a watch!
Huishh. macam klimaks kan bila botfly tu dah keluar from the body?! gerammmmm sgt! :D
p/s: this is what happened if you're under final exam stress.
busy mode
finals is in 3 days. so that explain my long delay of post. will update as soon as i get home for my 3 months break!
*cough cough cough+running nose+sneezing*
for the sake of new post, sebab lama sangat tak update, saya akan update bende bodoh. sila tinggalkan blog ini jika masa anda seperti setongkol emas.
well, since im soo busy with assignments and tests because my 2nd sem is coming to an end, I have soo much to write but soo little time! gosh, macam can't believe that my 2nd sem is coming to an end! time flies soo fast heh?
Oh, let me tell you about National Novice Debate Championship, hummm.. kalah? haha. but it's okay, I gained lots of experience and met bunch of new people from different universities. It's all about expanding your connections after all. oh ya.. I still can't get this incident off my head.
Situation 1: in the lift.
Arab guy: *looked at me from head to toes, and smiled* Where are you from?
Me: *smiled back and said* I'm from UiTM Kuantan.
Me: -____________________-" *pause. crickets singing* (FYI, everyone in the lift were quiet too. maybe they are anxious to know too?)
Oh yes, I'm Malaysian..
Arab guy: *muka konpius uolls* Oh, okay. *smiled at me and looked at me confusedly again.*
I'm Malaysian you moron! Kau ingat aku dari Afrika ke? Damn you. Haaa, fikir positif wawa. Mesti dia ingat aku dari Brazil kan? kulit tanned, rambut perang, mata hazel. Pffft. Statement tu mintak penumbak tak? mintak sangat kan? haha
Situation 2: in the car
Then I told Shahrul about the incident of the Arab guy in the lift.
I said, "I'm a Malay ok?!"
then he replied, "no,you're not. you're mum is Indian and your dad is Javanese."
"Javanese IS Malay"
"NO..... it's not. Practically, you're not a Malay"
"I am. I am. I am! and I do look like I'm Malaysian! What's wrong with that guy?!"
"there's nothing wrong with him, he's just confused. You have your contact lens on, rambut karat. memang la konpius"
Lepasni, nak kaler rambut itam balik la. hehe. contact lens tak boleh nak buat apa sebab saya rabun, power 300. TAKNAK PAKAI CERMIN MATA! jatuh saham mak. LOL
p/s: Special thanks to my angels, Shahrul and Nina for coming to watched me debate. They were very impressed! happynye! :) I love you my angels :)
through the galaxies and beyond
ok, my body can't stop shivering and shuddering kegeliiiiiiiiannnnnn sangat coz I just read Syazmin's blog about her fear. I think I have trypophobia too. Which is the fear of holes. Like ewww sgt! sumpah can't stop thinking about it. and i feel like ada berzillion zillion semut tengah creeping on my body! Stop thinking about it wawa! Ok, say the meditation words to calm yourself down.. Gucci, Prada, Channel..(repeat 3 times)
Ok, sebenarnya nak berceloteh pasal cuti 4 hari ni sempena Hari Raya Cina.. Btw,Gong Xi Fa Cai! Ape yang telah dilakukan semasa cuti? lets look here
Oh oh, ayat yang selalu dapat bila jumpa sedara mara... beware! (jangan termuntah taw! tapi ni cerita betul, bukan nak perasan hot macam ada sorang kawan saya kat kampus ni)
Ok, sebenarnya nak berceloteh pasal cuti 4 hari ni sempena Hari Raya Cina.. Btw,Gong Xi Fa Cai! Ape yang telah dilakukan semasa cuti? lets look here
- Hari Khamis, ambik bas from Kuantan to KL
- Jumaat malam : sampai rumah,terus tidur. Btw,sempat dating dengan kekasih tengok cerita romantik
- Sabtu pagi sangat : Terus bertolak pergi balik JB.
- Ahad : lepas pergi wedding, masuk Singapura jumpa saudara mara
- Isnin : Dah keluar Singapura, pergi rumah Dina kat mana entah buat test psychology sama sama. Thanks for the help sayang! :)
- Selasa at 2am : baru sampai rumah. Esok pagi plan nak breakfast with Love and Nina. I miss you soo much Ninnsy! :D Lepastu, at 4pm, balik Kuantan balik.
- Lepastu lagi, Khamis malam nanti, pergi balik Shah Alam balik for Novice Cup Debate Competition.
Oh oh, ayat yang selalu dapat bila jumpa sedara mara... beware! (jangan termuntah taw! tapi ni cerita betul, bukan nak perasan hot macam ada sorang kawan saya kat kampus ni)
"eh eh, macam ARTIS la!"
Mak ape lagi uolls? tersipu sipu malu lah! haha.
Oh btw kawan kawan, adik Abai dah ada girlfriend! He bought her a box of chocolates! APA SEMUA NI?! KENAPA BESAR CEPAT SANGAT!?! macam terkesima la kejap kan. oh well, dah besar dah. NOT! Baru 13 kot. when I was his age, I was a flat-chested, nerd prefect with a low ponytail who cried everyday if my sister doesn't want to eat together with me during recess time. pathetic, much? And I have my first real boyfriend when I was 15! when I was 13 I still dressed up like Lizzie Mcguire! :( Kids these days, they grow up just a little too fast, eh?
Oh btw kawan kawan, adik Abai dah ada girlfriend! He bought her a box of chocolates! APA SEMUA NI?! KENAPA BESAR CEPAT SANGAT!?! macam terkesima la kejap kan. oh well, dah besar dah. NOT! Baru 13 kot. when I was his age, I was a flat-chested, nerd prefect with a low ponytail who cried everyday if my sister doesn't want to eat together with me during recess time. pathetic, much? And I have my first real boyfriend when I was 15! when I was 13 I still dressed up like Lizzie Mcguire! :( Kids these days, they grow up just a little too fast, eh?
apa itu cinta?
I don't know lah. selalu sangat orang tanya this question to me lagi lagi ValenTIMES (seperti orang Melayu kita suka sebut) Day dah nak sampai ni. hummm, apa saya nak jawab eh? macam macam. like....... errrrr........... errrr.............. errrrrrr.............. *zZzZZZzzzzzzzzZZZzz tertido*
Bangun wawa! Bangun semula!
ok,dah bangun. humm,get back to the question.
Bangun wawa! Bangun semula!
ok,dah bangun. humm,get back to the question.
What is Love?
Well for me,Love is Allah, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, my greatest family, friends, *cough* SHAHRUL *cough* <----- jiwang sial. and last but not least teachers, dari yang mengajar saya kat sekolah rendah sampai universiti (fyi, I didn't went to pre-school. Boo-hoo. NOT) ke ustazah yang mengajar mengaji, guru ajar menari dan sebagainya. oh oh, to my beautiful pets. I love you too babies. Jangan fikir anda dipulaukan dari hati saya ye. Tidak sama sekali.
Moving on....
Love is about acceptance, not toleration. Love is divine, not a myth. Love is eternity, not forever. Love is pure, not true. Love is faith, not coincidence. Love is to be cherish, not appreciated.
Cinta itu memang buta. sebab org lain tak nampak apa
yg kita nampak dekat orang yang kita sayang tu. walaupun kekasih kita tak sekacak Superman, tapi bagi kita dia lah manusia paling kacak kat dunia ni. Like what my mum always said to me, ''When you love someone Wawa, taik gigi pun rasa coklat' ewwww? But I guess mummy got a point there. When we're in love, everything seems so right in this world. When we are loved, we feel blessed. When we give back the love, we feel so satisfied. Innit?
So, I think Love is just a nature of beings. Be it Love to a cat, love to yourself (VAIN!), love to your god, love to your bikes cars or music. Just anything. Love is just there. Love is like a heartbeat.. You just can't live without it, can't you? ;)
Did I answered the question well? Dapat 100 markah tak?
Live like we're dying
You never knew good things till its gone
We gotta tell them that we love them when we got the chance to say
When we are studying, we are dying to finish college. when we are already working, we are dying to retire. when we already retired, we are dying to work again. And lastly, we are really dying to die. And it got me thinking, when do we live like really living? Have you ever think of that? We gotta stop this 'dying syndrome' and start living like there's no tomorrow. Kan?
Oh well, I have new principles too! :D here we go! these are my mantra when people try to get me down by calling me FAT or DARK or apa apa sahaja... you guys can use this mantra too. I share good things to others coz I'm such an angel ;)
When someone say bad things to you, or tegur tegur keadaan fizikal anda macam lah dia tu cun nak mamps kan? You just smile at them and then breathe in.. breathe out.. Look away and say these with a smile on your face and eyes closed..
Then, suddenly things will get back to places. There's no one can bring me down anymore and you too :)
We gotta tell them that we love them when we got the chance to say
When we are studying, we are dying to finish college. when we are already working, we are dying to retire. when we already retired, we are dying to work again. And lastly, we are really dying to die. And it got me thinking, when do we live like really living? Have you ever think of that? We gotta stop this 'dying syndrome' and start living like there's no tomorrow. Kan?
Oh well, I have new principles too! :D here we go! these are my mantra when people try to get me down by calling me FAT or DARK or apa apa sahaja... you guys can use this mantra too. I share good things to others coz I'm such an angel ;)
When someone say bad things to you, or tegur tegur keadaan fizikal anda macam lah dia tu cun nak mamps kan? You just smile at them and then breathe in.. breathe out.. Look away and say these with a smile on your face and eyes closed..
" I am beautiful, no matter what they say. Words won't bring me down.. "
Then, suddenly things will get back to places. There's no one can bring me down anymore and you too :)
Let me be
Eeeeee.. kenapa dah berisi?
Wawa.. tembamnya!
Badan kau dah naik kan, Wawa?
Bulatnya Wawa sekarang!
Kenapa dah berisi sangat? serious dah berisi.
Wawa dah nampak lain sikit lah. Macam dah tembam.
dah gemuk sikit lah...
Kritikan seperti ini saya selalu dapat and it will ruined my mood for the whole day!
Ya Ampun! Tolong lah people. Let me be! I was a dancer before, once I left my dancing background, all of this weight come creeping in my life. I love to eat. I,m an eater. Yes, I lalalalalove food. and I'm a compulsive eater. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm bored. Senang cerita, I eat all the time.. dan, sekarang saya dah tak exercise lagi. Sebab tu lah badan senang sangat naik. Kau faham tak?
Jangan tanya lagi atau tegur macam macam lagi boleh tak? If korang puuurrrfect seperti Megan Fox, aku boleh terima lah jugak. It's not that I can't handle criticism, it is just that when it came out from people like you, and it's not a kritikan membina pun, that's why lah I hate it soo much and it bothered me.
Wawa.. tembamnya!
Badan kau dah naik kan, Wawa?
Bulatnya Wawa sekarang!
Kenapa dah berisi sangat? serious dah berisi.
Wawa dah nampak lain sikit lah. Macam dah tembam.
dah gemuk sikit lah...
Kritikan seperti ini saya selalu dapat and it will ruined my mood for the whole day!
Ya Ampun! Tolong lah people. Let me be! I was a dancer before, once I left my dancing background, all of this weight come creeping in my life. I love to eat. I,m an eater. Yes, I lalalalalove food. and I'm a compulsive eater. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm bored. Senang cerita, I eat all the time.. dan, sekarang saya dah tak exercise lagi. Sebab tu lah badan senang sangat naik. Kau faham tak?
Jangan tanya lagi atau tegur macam macam lagi boleh tak? If korang puuurrrfect seperti Megan Fox, aku boleh terima lah jugak. It's not that I can't handle criticism, it is just that when it came out from people like you, and it's not a kritikan membina pun, that's why lah I hate it soo much and it bothered me.
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