Bye Bye 2009 and Hello Hello 2010!
oh yes, 1 thing for sure. My sister is pregnant! Alhmdulillah. I'm gonna get a Pan-Asian niece/nephew (jantina masih dirahsiakan atas permintaan ibu bapanya) in 2010! insyaAllah :)
oh well, just wanna say that I'm so thankful to Allah for giving me such wonderful rides of ups and downs in 2009. I've learned a lot and sure I've grown stronger and wiser each year that has passed me by.
Lets toast for yet another wonderful rides in 2010! Wishing all of you the best of the best next year :D can't wait to see what 2010 has for me! Braces? More money? MacBook? Ipod? a lifetime free shopping at Pavilion? nahhh, i just hope for good health, happiness and kasi rezeki tambah banyak banyaaaaaaakkkkkkk!
have you ever feel this way?
if you answered YES to most of the questions above, welcome to the club bitch! i feel that sometimes. especially during the PMS thing. I know, they say PMS is created by man to make us woman, look crazy and fragile. but i am very affected by my imbalance hormones during the times. i do feel like i'm such a loser with no one to talk to, nobody to lean on to. it hurts you know. it hurts to feel alone and so far away from people eventhough you are in the same room with them.
it hurts to see others to be and look really happy like they have no problems at all. and it gets even worse when people think that i'm all happy-go-lucky-giddy-and-fun all the time. they don't know what I feel inside. they don't know what i deal with every single day of my life. they think that my life is all fun and parties. not at all. im just like you. im boring and i'm a nerd. i read law books, i play poker on FB, i like Backstreet Boys and i love the colour PINK. so, stop thinking that i have no problems in my head at all. coz, I DO.
tak kesah la apa orang fikir pasal diri ni lagi. dah penat keeping up with people's expectations. memenatkan,meletihkan,menjengkelkan. dah cukup semua lakonan, sembunyi belakang topeng. i want the world to know the real me. if they are true friends, they will love me for who i am. after all, it doesn't matter who you WERE. what matters is who you ARE. i know i'm being emosional and whatnot. blergh.
penat lah tulis panjang panjang. bye. nak menempekkan diri depan TV lagi. :D
Random fact #2 : I'm obsessed with 80's and 90's songs.blame my sisters for this
this would be a REAL update............
I'm finally legal people
ok,back to square one. as you all know, i turned (finally) 18 on the 6th of Dec 2009. and this year's birthday is hands down the best one. seriously. i'm surrounded with love and attention! (vain) LOL.
this is gonna be a very simple update coz i'm going to Melaka in an hour for Debate Competition. Vice Chancelor Cup. Yeehaw! wish me luck ok? :)
ok,moving on. my birthday weekend starts at PD. first time main Banana Boat with Love and friends. had so much fun.
then,went to Genting with friends again and dance all nite long till my feet hurts! but best gile ok? :D after that,had dinner with Nina,Love and our baby Shisha. bliss.
then,sampai je Kuantan. they made a surprise birthday party with scrumptious cake. i love you Farim, Sara, Alia, Nad, Balqis, Umie and my lovely housemates! i love you so much like so very the much! (oversz aku ni)
I feel so loved and so special. like really
happy birthday to me. i miss my family! im homesick. nak bali peluk ayah, mak and adik beradik. dah la my baby brother kene demam campak. boo-hoo. i wanna be home! :(

super cute, they made me a birthday wish. and my baby Nina too! click here
thank god i found my identity now. not that i have really found out what i am or who i wanna be but i actually feel comfortable,really at peace with my own self. i think im at the best stage of my life right now. i'm living my life to the fullest now, i am thankful for every single thing that i have in my life now. alhamdulillah :D
oh well,im happy that i'm not like the others who talk trash about other people just to make them happier or maybe feel empowered? gosh. what the hell is going on with this world? they think they are cool by bringing others down. hey you,whatever!
oh damn,i miss Kuantan. weird, huh? yes,indeed.
this is what i do when im at home
ini hanyalah gurauan semata mata. tiada baby yang dicederakan semasa rakaman ini dilakukan. LAME!
part of the list
"Siapa yang pregnant sekarang? cakap orang" - kata nina
it makes me realize that, i shouldn't even be bothered by whatever that fugly slut said about me to others just to put me down. baby please, jealousy is the best form of compliment from a girl kot. ok dah, jangan pikir lagi pun pasal ni.
i think i can get bored easily. im starting to feel bored now with, you know who. sedih kan? i love him so much, taknak bosannn :(
Alhamdulillah syukur nikmat, Malaysia maju rakyat selamat
this is really creepy
these videos claim that these popular people sold their soul to the devils to become what they are today. the most wanted people in the world, very in demand and super ridiculously rich. but in return, they have to selit kan Satan messages in their songs and dance moves? i don't know if i wanna believe this or not. but it makes sense, a little bit. Allahualam...
It's up to your judgement to believe it or not.
P/S :Yeay me! i dah tahu how to post a video in my blog. thank you nina :D
imposters, copycat-ers and get a life bitch
ergghhh, why am i full of hatred ni? maybe because im going to get my period?
i love my life now but i think i wanna do more than just studying law? i wanna do something beyond expectations. maybe become a professional boxer? part-time dancer or even have my own band? yes, i believe there's more for me in my life rather than just sitting in my room, reading Law books. i know i can do better than just be a boring student.i need a jump start to pursue my dreams...ok dah, cukup berangan.
my face tiba-tiba je naik jerawat. like banyak gila. it's not visible but you can feel it when you touch my face. i'm so sad! :( maybe i've been going out like 5 days straight. my face needs rest from those make-ups and dirty air. ok Face, you can rest now. i love you, please stop generating new pimples. thank u.
i'm wondering why people always treat me like im their effing punching bag. do i look like one? whenever he is a stress and mad with something he'll let it all out on me. i mean, if you're looking for advice, im more than happy to provide you with some wise and deep advices. but, its different when you let it out wrongly. you are mad at me eventhough it's not my fault. baby,im your girlfriend, not your punching bag. still, i love you :( i hope i can be more than just an advisor to you..
i feel like going out for shopping and shisha sampai mampos.bestnya!
ai don get yu
dear Siti, I love you
ok dah. moving on... when i was karaoke-ing with my girls just now. macam biasa,akan ku nyanyikan lagu lagu my all time favourite malaysian singer, Siti Nurhaliza. Yes, I love her. terkezut? kampung? no no.. she's one of a kind. moving on lagi sekali.. i was singing along with her song "bicara manis menghiris kalbu" yes, the title mmg menggelikan, but it's a good song! so, mestilah ada her video clip, suddenly masa tengah best menyanyi, i saw her wearing shining latex pants! except that it is not skinny. but what the heck? she wore that pants and rocked it long before we do!
need proof? watch this OMG kan? haha. that video was like maybe 8 years ago? but she already rocked that shiny latex pants. damn her stylist got taste! rupanya, kak siti kita stylo macam Kim Kardashian. Muahahahaha. ok, nak post a video actually, tapi tak reti! so i just put the link to the video. macam kurang umphhh! boo-hoo-hoo :(
nak story sikit. i don't know why but i got the feeling to blog back. yeay me!
what i've been doing these past few weeks? i filled the oh-so-boring-sem break with lots of fun things. i really enjoy this break so far. i don't want it to end. please!
- read tons of books. even dah baca banyak kali pun i still read it again and again. my fave: The Colour Purple. good one. you guys should read it
- keluar every single day (ok, tipu. tapi every other day) with Shahrul love
- make up those gap between Nina and I. and i'm very happy that we went out all the time! iloveyoubaby!
- Karaoke like 4 times already?
- went to Speedzone party @ Genting and The All American Rejects concert @ bukit jalil
- oh yes, did some mother-daughter-sisters bonding time at the kitchen. we baked cakes and cupcakes sampai orang muak with our cakes! LOL
- did volunteer work at SPCA and adopted a small little kitty. my little Gabbana to go with my little Dolce. Aren't you in love with me already? haha. vain arse!
- teman daddy watched his actions movies till late at nite. daddy's little girl I am.
- and i gained myself a little bundle of tummy weighed about 2 kgs. FUCK! need. to. get. in. the. dancing. shoes.back. my ex-teacher would kill me if he sees me right now with my extra baggage(if you know what i mean)
Waking up one morning feeling like P.Diddy
1) mike tu dia punya sorang
ok,mesti semua familiar dengan kategori ini. lepas die nyanyi, die. lepas die, die. adoi, give it a break. tahulah suara sedap, tapi give others yang bayar jugak nak menyanyi. kan? if nak menyanyi sorang, sewa satu bilik sorang2. tapi tak best la plak kan? takde siapa nak show off to. LOL
2)parasite singer
this one really annoys me. taknak pilih lagu, tapi bila orang lain pilih lagu untuk nyanyi sorang2 nak budget suara best, dia ambik another mike and tompang nyanyi coz he/she said it's her/his favourite song too. isn't it just plain annoying? don't rain on other man's parade yo (bak kata amirul)
3) singing coach yang tak diundang
OMG! this is even more annoying! he/she will criticize evrybody else's singing dengan muka yang amatlah MACAM bagus! eventhough suara orang tu sedap macam siti nurhaliza pun. the best part is, her/his voice tak sedap langsung, sedap lagi suara aku. -__-"
4) the nun
this one will not bring any harm coz he/she will only sit at one corner and watch others sing,they will not even touch the mike! biasanye yang selalu berperwatakan macam ni would be either your friend's new gf/bf, new scandal or new friend. or he/she memang seorang yang pemalu atau warak.
5) lovebirds
heh. this type of people will duet 90% of the time they spent in the karaoke room. mak aii.
6) the diva/ divo in the making
this is really cool. coz they really have a great voice yet they are very grounded and sometimes ada yang bangga diri gila. tapi takpe. they deserve it. suara power kot, apa salahnye. and they know which songs are the best. they are just great entertainer
7) si rempit sejati di hati
i have tons of friends yang bergaya sangat2, cun2, kalah kate moss and aril AF. but as they grab the mike and start singing, terimalah anda lagu lagu seperti "rindu,rindu serindu rindunya...", "isabella", "sejati", dan yang sewaktu dengan nya. but its fun. i personally think its cool ;P coz im one of them! LMAO. cheh, perasan bergaya ala kate moss la aku ni? not
p/s: sesiapa yang teringin nak karaoke with me, just call me at 1300-88-KAROK HABIS! ok, this is so lame. bye
happy birthday love
they say
"changes are good" - well,truth to be told, not ALL changes are good. put it this way, if you had your hair long and black since you were like,8 years old, you may feel that you wanted to change. go bob short and orange! then, when you really do that, people will go, WOAH! lain lah muka, tak cantik la rambut pendek, rambut dulu lagi lawa, bla bla bla... then, when you lie down on your bed, berangan sorang2 dalam bilik then look at yourself in the mirror..voooom! it hits you, you feel regret for dying your hair and cutting it short. at least, that's what happened to me. a lil different coz i don't cut my hair bob short and dye it orange.
they say number 2
"be yourself is the best thing you can do" - na'ah mister. this is not right. if your true self farts and burps dengan secara tak segan silu nya depan your friends and family, if you are the type of person who laughs out loudly and 90% of your everyday vocabulary is cursing, tak kan lah you want to do it infront of your boyfriend's/girlfriend's parents? you have to cover, jadi hipokrit kejap so you can please people. standard hidup in a society lah. we have to please each other so we can live in peace and harmony. if taknak keep up with the pressure, go live on an island and get horny by yourself alone! haha. ok, over -___-"
they say number 3
"everybody in the world is the same" - watdefaq? ni memang tak lah. if semua orang sama, why do we have VIP tables or VVIP dressing room? enough said. malas nak cerita panjang2. from there, it is so obvious that everybody is not the same after all.
they say number 4
"money can't buy love or happiness" - ok, i don't want to sound all materialistic here but really? do you guys believe in that? not for me. i dont. without money, you can't go shopping and eat, and if you dont eat or have new clothes to wear, how can you be happy and how can you doll up without new clothes? from there, how can you find man/woman to impress to be your love partner? so, how are you going to have love in your life and be happy? do you see the connection? i know you can :D
ok ,enough of this they say thingy. i'm sick and tired of people pressuring me,telling me how chubby i am right now. i know i know! urghh. im on a diet now. happy?
like this is it
trying so hard to diet,but usually, failed! how can i diet? good foods are all over the place here at home. it's not a bad thing, but it is a bad thing if you wanna start a strict diet plan, i'm tempted! easily -_-"
okay,don't know what else to write. oh oh, i've done my speaking test for MUET yesterday. and it went well :)
my happiness slowly creeping back
oh ya, went to penang. whoever follows me on twitter and friends with me in facebook, they got all the juicy details bout this little family trip. nak update, malas sangat. penat jugak nak maintain banyak2 account internet socialnetwork ni kan? i think nak delete myspace. banyak sangat rempit weng weng (bunyi motor) in there and i think myspace is just not me anymore. teringat lagi zaman form 1 sampai form 3 dulu. sanggup pakai baju cun cun,tangkap gambar mata besar,mulut itik,pandang atas, pastu semangat gila upload kat myspace. tunggu orang comment banyak2. siapa ada gambar comment beratus ratus tu rasa bangga sgt. paling hot lah konon. then, main approve je siapa2 yang request nak jadi kawan. lagi ramai kawan, lagi cool lah kan? lawan2 dengan classmates kawan siapa yang paling banyak. haha. silly old wawa! back then, if i dont get to online myspace for a day,i'd go ballistic! tak tentu arah, nak approve comments, nak check friend requests, nak usha2 mamat2 jambu. Gosh! I was so naive and stoooopid! Jap, nak geli dengan diri sendiri kejap.
kiss me on me salty lips
tiba tiba puitis
aku dan si dia dah 2 tahun 2 bulan bersama. tipu lah kalau aku cakap tak pernah gaduh or tak pernah rasa nak couple dengan orang lain. itu semua pernah. tapi sekejap je semua tu. memang asam garam dalam percintaan. kadang kadang hati ni meronta ronta nak dilayan macam si puteri ,nak lebih dihargai. terdetik di lubuk hati yang jahat, ada orang tu tak lah lawa sangat, tapi boyfriend dia layan dia macam dia tu cinderella! bunga, coklat, makan malam romantik dekat hotel, tepi pantai, kejutan masa birthday. haih. untung si tuan punya badan. aku perasan macam lah aku ni lawa sangat. tapi, aku rasa aku berhak dapat yang terbaik dalam hidup aku. mungkin dia yang terbaik?
aku mengambil masa lebih kurang setahun setengah untuk aku sedar memang dia yang terbaik dalam hidup aku. mungkin dia tak layan aku macam puteri, tapi dia sorang je yang sanggup layan aku punya kerenah yang sememangnya terlampau mengada ngada dan gedik. aku bossy, aku memilih, aku sendawa kuat kuat lepas makan, aku gelak pun kuat. aku tak boleh kene tegur dan aku tak pernah nak mengalah dalam pergaduhan. bagitahu aku, siapa yang sanggup nak teman wanita macam aku? tapi, dia sanggup. malah, dia pernah ajak aku kahwin. aku je yang tak nak. ye la, muda sangat aku ni. baru 18 tahun. tak tengok lagi dunia ni dengan puas. tapi aku tahu, aku memang nak jadi tua, ada anak cucu dengan dia, aku nak tengok dunia ni puas puas dengan dia. nak rasa pahit manis kehidupan dengan dia. aku nak bangun pagi pagi, wajah pertama yang aku nak tengok, wajah dia. aku nak masak untuk dia, nak gosok baju kerja dia. nak buat segalanya untuk dia dan bersama dia.
memang dia tak kacak dan kaya raya. tapi dia cukup kacak untuk buat aku tergila gila dengan dia. dia cukup kaya untuk belanja aku. keluarga aku pun dah sayang dia. kucing kucing aku pun. sah, memang dia lah yang terbaik dalam hidup aku. memang dia lah yang aku cari selama ni. aku bersyukur sangat dapat jumpa pasangan hidup aku dalam usia yang mentah ni. ada orang tu masih mencari. alhamdulillah. aku harap, dia lah jodoh untuk aku dan aku lah jodoh untuk dia. macam macam kita rancang pun, Allah swt yang menentukannya kan?
rindu sangat nak jalan jalan dengan dia dalam kereta savvy hitam. rindu sangat nak terpekik terlolong nyanyi dalam kereta dengan dia lawan suara siapa yang lagi sedap. rindu sangat nak lihat mata dia dan cakap depan muka dia. rindu semua tentang dia. tak sabar sangat nak tunggu hari esok. bende pertama yang aku nak buat, peluk cium mak, ayah dan 9 orang adik beradik gila aku termasuk 2 orang abang ipar aku. lepastu, kucing kucing dan tarantula aku pulak. dan, jumpa si dia. itu yang aku nantikan.
aku memang betul betul dah cinta dengan dia. mana tak nya, mana pernah aku tulis entri sejiwang ni? dalam bahasa melayu pulak tu. adoi. tengok, apa cinta boleh buat pada diri kita. masak aku. aku rasa, kalau aku baca balik entri ni. mesti aku muntah darah, geli dengan diri sendiri. mungkin aku akan buang kot entri ni nanti? tengok lah dulu. sebab aku tak macam ni sebenarnya. tiba tiba je puitis malam ni
Sayang, I cinta you sangat! terima kasih sebab cintakan I dan berikan I peluang untuk membesar dengan you dan buat semua bende dengan you. You memang seorang manusia yang beruntung sebab dapat buat I gila kan you. Rindu you :'(
can I say DOPE?
Tomorrow is the last day of my first sem. Gosh, it's the end of my first sem already? can I say.. DOPE? I'm so excited by the fact that I'm going to have my 5 weeks holiday at home. I repeat, 5 frigging cool weeks! can I say.. DOPE again? Ok, dah cukup. It gets annoying when you say dope twice in less than10 minutes. Macam meminta minta penyepak je.
lets rewind this to a better scene
p/s: again, don't ask me why my blog's url is namiami. please. Suka hati aku lah nak letak ape.
Dear mosquitoes,
But, I'm now protected from the attack. I bought a mosquitoes' repellant yang mahal gila. Yeay! Now I'm red dots free! And I can study in my own room now. *happy dance*
It's Eid Mubarak people :)
Ok dah cukup mengada-ngada. Whining banyak mana pun, I still have to go back to Kuantan jugak! Cisss.
NAH! Gambar for uols semua :)

Going to miss him :)

Omg. I can't believe I did this typical girls pose in front of the mirror! Pape lah. I just wanna show off the shirt and the new flops Shahrul bought for me. Iloveyousomuchbaby.
I wanna take this opportunity to wish uols a very Happy Eid Ul Fitr. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. May this Raya brings you 1001 happiness and barakah :) Enjoy Raya babay!!
For once in my life
Kenapa Wawa emo? Ok, first, nak period. Second, I can't find a perfect pair of shoes to go with my purple baju raya and no handbag. Then, my digestive system is super duper crazy. Fourth, I have to make sure that I score 3.50 and above for my final exam. And heck, I did not study AT ALL. Nina, can you please spread the nerdgasm to me? I need it sooooo bad.
Ok, dah lepaskan geram. Now, I can go study. Wish me luck for my final exam :)
Satu Malaysia, a dream or a vision?
You know what's even funnier about my neighbours? They know the type of car Shahrul drives and what time I arrived home last night. Crazy huh? Busybody gila babss punya. They even know that Shahrul dyed his hair to match mine. How sweet huh? Ok, get back to the story. I mean like, HOW ON EARTH THEY KNOW THAT HIS HAIR IS NOW DARK BLONDE?! Crazy, crazy little world. Get your own life, please? Or maybe, mind your own little childrens first then us. Remember, you have daughters too! Hehe. I'm so mean.
The fact that now I'm already 18 and they still treat me like I'm 15 just ick me. I had a mild fight with my dad just now about me always out with my friends and always home late. The way he put it is like I went out every single day and I helped nothing at home. Eh hello, I only go out like 3 to 4 times a week and hell yeah I vacuumed and mopped the house sometimes. Ish. I even bathe the kittens ok? Still, I love you daddy. New handphone, please?
I need to get these things out from my mind. These thoughts..
We are now in the hectic phase of engaging the 1 Malaysia thingy. But you know what, to be honest, I don't think that the vision of 1 Malaysia will stay forever like Wawasan 2020 as put foward by Tun Dr. Mahathir. Why? Because, you still can hear this.
Malays says: "Cina tamak! makan babi,perangai pun macam babi, pengotor!"
Chinese says: "Melayu bodoh lah, lembab saja. Tak reti kerja maa"
Indians says: "Melayu and Cina boleh pergi mati lah. Sellfish!"
Harsh? Face it, it's the truth that none of us can deny.
Who changed the channel?
I know, you miss me blogging. eheh. Vain. Yea, I'm super hyper right now coz I'm finally home. *goyang bahu* And this time, it's gonna be a super long holiday for me. (alamak.. 2 weeks je kot! tak pe, goyang bahu lagi)
Ok, cukup sudah. I don't know what to blog about actually. Oh well. I TAK STUDY APA-APA LANGSUNG FOR MY FINAL EXAM THAT IS IN 2 WEEKS TIME, OK? crazy, huh? I hope I'm gonna get my nerdgasm* soon. please come nerdgasm!!
My kittens are so cute. My kitchen is full with home made raya cookies already. My room is full with new clothes. My tummy is full with junks coz I am now suffering with massive super hectic stomach ache. Senang kata, cirit-birit yang teruk gila la. Ok, too many information pulak.
I have new obsession! My lesbian crush. I LOVE PIXIE LOTT! *drooling*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNHRUOF0j-8 <-------click to this link. She is super cute. My girlfriend NINA and I want to practice that "clap dance". Because, WHY? we think it's sexy. SUMPAH.
*nerdgasm: orgasm for nerds liquid. from Nina's awesome ass dictionary.
Shocking truth

Hey, read this!
(A conversation with a roommate)
Nad: Wawa, tengok ni! Gambar accident. Seram sangattt. Nad takut.
Me: EEEE... Buat ape tengok bende-bende bodoh macam tu? tak nak lah!
So, she decided to read me the warning of the e-mail.
Nad: AMARAN! Satu kemalangan menakutkan. Gambar ini sangat menyahat hati, pastikan anda kuat semangat. Gambar ini boleh mengerikan anda.
I thought to myself,macam best je ni.
Me: Nak tengokkkkkkk!

Memang sedih. Look at the pig under the front part of the lorry. Eventhough there are the most dirtiest, hideous, smelliest, hazardous, stupidest, gross creature in the universe. But still, kesian sangat tengok diorang tergolek-golek macam tu :(
My pride and Joy

Oh ya, you know my-not-so-little-anymore (MNSLA) brother is full with hobbies except study right? Now, he has this new found hobby. Wanna know what is it?
Solving the Rubik's cube! Pfftt. Okay, isn't it supposed to be a good thing? It is, if you know how to solve it lah kan. Obviously, he doesn't.
(At the dining table)
MNSLA: What is the purpose of solving this?
Me: It is to test your I.Q.. Duhhh
MNSLA: Abai rasa, buat bende ni nak test tahap migrain orang..
Me: OMG. Why are you so rempit?!
Whatever it is pun, we support you all the way little brother ! hehe
It's good to be home :)
Agak lambat nak wish. I was so busy ok? So, go figure. Yang penting, I'm going home tomorrow. My bus is at 1130 am. Shahrul,wait for me at the Shah Alam station ok? can't wait. i miss you :')
I was in the bus on the way to my English class just now. Suddenly,it hits me. How lucky I am!! I mean like, put it this way okay? We complained a lot. I mean, ME. Contohnya, I complained that makan tak sedap lah, tidur tak selesa lah, belajar tak best lah. Like what the heck Wawa? !
So, I decided to write to myself a letter. From the Ramadhan-version-Najwa to the-ordinary-Najwa. It sounds like this;
Dear Najwa Arifah Ismail,
I love you. And that's for sure,no doubt. What not to love about you? *haha. okay, ni perasan gila kot. Moving onn.. *
Stop complaining that the world is being unfair to you, the world is against you lah, you hate the world lah, u wanna shoot yourself lah.. Yada,yada,yada and whatever craps. Just get a grip and stop it! Just stop, ok? Live your life just the way it is. Allah has planned everything for you, you have to face it dengan ikhlas and redha. *chewahh*
Look at what you have now. *check check*
1. You got to study for free at an established university. UiTM DI HATIKU!
2. Your classrooms are very near to your apartment-like-dorm(check this out! apartment-like ok?)
3. your lecturers are nice and very educated. Duhhh -__-"
4. You have enough money to eat anddrink everyday. I repeat, EVERYDAY.
5. You have the greatest friends and family ever.
6. Look at what you are now. Aren't you proud? *winks*
So,the conclusion is, just love every single thing that you have now.
Najwa Arifah Ismail
I hope that this will help. Nothing wrong in believing right? Selamat beramal people!
drag me to hell,please?
To Shahrul Nizam Mokhtar

Directors Cup, Debate Competition
Let me tell you in details,ok?
Friday, 14th August 2009
Arrived at UiTM Kampus Khazanah Alam, Jengka. I went there by the white UiTM van. It was a pretty smooth journey except for the crazy bumpy roller coaster ride when we enter the so called " jalan hutan jengka". I was so dizzy so I laid my head on Nusrat's ehemm ehemm ;p Haha. It was comforting :) Ade mock debate by the seniors and cam-whoring (macam biasa).
Saturday, 15 August 2009
The first round of debate. We won! the motion was "This house believe that television is a bad influence". We were the opposition. And I got the Best Speaker tittle. Hehe.
Moving on to the second round of debate. Motion: This House Believe That USA Should Eliminate Its Own Weapon Of Mass Destruction. We were the Closing Government side. We won jugak! I was the Best Speaker jugak. hehe. Oversszzz. Bangga lebih-lebih.
Then, malas lah wanna tell the really really real details.. Its gonna be a VERY longgggg boooriiinggg post. So, let me make this short.
I got the best speker tittle for 4 times ok? And we won the first place for four times too. (i can't help it. somehow, I have to brag about this jugak. bak kata Iylia H, GO FOR FAME!)
Highlights : We all went to pasar malam Jengka. It is supposed to be the havoc place there. I say, biasa jek. Actually, tak havoc mana pun. To be honest, tak havoc langsung! ok, enough.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
All and all, we have done our best till we made it to the Final round. This is my first time in a Debate Competition. So, I know that this competition is gonna be my stepping stone :) Oh ya, I'm going to know the results of the final round of the dabate this Thursday. Lama lagi kan? I am so nervous waiting for my results. We aim for the 4th place je coz our opponents (Kuantan teams) were all so damn good! Anyhoo, wish us luck, guys.
P/S: I wanna thank to all of the Seniors of Kuantan Debaters. Without all of your hard work, we wouldn't made it this far. Thank you :) (jangan terharu sangat ok?) LMAO!
I know you want me

Hey ayah, happy 57th birthday!!
My friends said that you are "one handsome daddy".
But I feel really sad. So sad. I'm not there with my family to celebrate my Dad's birthday and the birth of my new born kittens. There are four of them. I miss home! I'm not coming home this weekends. I went home every week ok? Damn it! I have debate competition at Kampus UiTM Jengka for three days! I repeat, three days ok?
Look at the bright side, :) this is my first time competing debate. It would be an experience. Tell me, who else got the license to fight orally? muahaha
Ok, moving on..
I've been so busy lately. I have my assignments, tutorial problems, debate practice, sketch, folio.. Ya allah! Banyak gila!
Gotta go. Bye :)
Letter Analysis
Najwa just took Personality behind the name apps.For Najwa Ismail whose their name start with letter N, below are the analysis result :
You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you Throw your entire being into it.(overszz giler kan?)
Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all-consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You believe in total freedom. (Right on bebeyh!)
You are willing to try anything and everything. Your supply of energy is inexhaustible.(eheh, this is so right)
You want to be pampered and know how to pamper your mate. (meow meow meow)
You also enjoy mothering your mate. (na'ah, this one tak sangat la)
You often have the greatest love affairs all by yourself, in your head. You are very imaginative. (yess, indeed I am. Especially about boys *wink*)
Udang di Sebalik Batu

This picture was taken by my sister, at her house in Port Del Selva, France. She lives there once in a while with her husband and her son. She drew that Sun. She calls it as, "BERSERI SEPERTI SAYA". Vain not?
I have to break my fast la. No choice :(
Then, during English class just now, some girl came to me just to tell me "Wawaaaa, you look chubby!"
I have wasted my time and money
Ok, I'm gonna quote some of the spells that I heard from the movie yesterday. I find it somehow very funny and make you go whutta-heck-i-can-do-better. Correct me if I'm wrong ok?
Then, at the end of the show, they got this small notes in a locket. I want that locket! It is so beautiful! Ok, back to the story. The note was signed by a stranger, with only acronyms, R.A.B.
Then the three of them (Harry, Ron, Hermione) were clueless lah konon nak tahu who the hell is R.A.B kan. I felt like shouting to the screen,

First of all, I wanna say sorry to Nina and Balqis. Because I told them that I can't make it to the Shout Awards coz we are already late. But, the truth is, I went. Eheh. How should I know? Shahrul didn't tell me anything. We were fighting in the car. So we had this so called 'SILENT TREATMENT' to each other. So, being the usual me, I thought we are not going to Shout Awards. Plus, when I looked at the time, it was already 9pm. How the hell should I know that we're going in? But somehow Shahrul can get in, with the help of his media friends.

This is the ticket that we don't use pun after all. We went straight in. Nice huh?
The performances?
I tak sempat watch the opening act. I was so late, remember?
I love Estranged and Joe Flizzow. Come on, I love old timers better than the newbies. And the MJ's tribute sucks! The choir team was awesome, but I think Jaclyn ruined the show. She screamed too much. I know la it's the Shout Awards, but jaclyn, words from me, PLEASE DO NOT SHOUT WHEN YOU ARE SINGING!
Oh ya, I was so impressed by Shila One in A Million. Very nice performance.She has great showmanship. Kudos :)
I feel like a shit
1. When I woke up this morning, my housemates told me that this house TAK ADE AIR. i repeat, TAK ADE AIR! -__-"
2. After I have finish screaming around the house out of frustration (lama jugak la. i looked like someone whose husband just died), out of the blue, I heard water came out from the pipe! Then, ape lagi? I jumped straight into the bathroom and mandi laju-laju. I'm afraid that tiba-tiba air tak ade masa i tengah mandi. Bahahahaha
Moving on..
I received a text from my class mate "wawa, class cancel"
I knew it! I knew it! If I have known about this earlier, that my class is canceled, I should have just went back home with my brother and sister yesterday! I nak balikkkk semalam!!
If I follow my instinct yesterday, I'm already so happy in my pinky room. OMG! I AM SO FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW!
*frust menonggeng til 2pm(coz my bus is at this time)*